Tag: ship

Has the Podcast ship sailed…?

Four months in to my time at CEMVO Scotland I am yet to make any great headway on one of my tasks — starting a podcast series. It’s not that I don’t like the idea, or even that I think it won’t work, but there do seem to be a number of barriers in the way, and a nagging sense...

Mall in a cruise ship! The history of Whampoa Garden

Have you been to a shopping mall on a cruise ship? Meet Whampoa Garden. Whampoa Garden is a well-known middle-class housing estate in Hong Kong, and it once became another “Little Japan” because of various Japanese department stores opening in the area. Let’s talk about the history...

The Sutton Hoo Ship Burial

Even in England’s renowned green and pleasant land, it doesn’t look like much: a cluster of grassy mounds on a spur of land (the hoo) high above the River Deben in the county of Suffolk. But were the softly rising mounds in pasture land 95 miles north-east of London the deciding fac...

Avi Loeb: “An alien ship may have crashed in the Pacific Ocean.”

A scientist named Avi Loeb thinks that a mysterious object that crashed into Earth in 2014 might have been a spaceship from another star system. A recent report from the US Space Command confirmed that the object did indeed come from another star system. However, the agency believes it was just a me...

How to Ship Items to Portugal

As we enter the holiday season, I am seeing a lot of posts about how to ship packages to Portugal, specifically from outside the EU. In most countries, this is a no-brainer: an item is shipped, you wait, and the package arrives. Easy, right? That’s how the mail is supposed to work. Well, in...