The Sutton Hoo Ship Burial

<p>Even in England&rsquo;s renowned green and pleasant land, it doesn&rsquo;t look like much: a cluster of grassy mounds on a spur of land (the&nbsp;<em>hoo</em>) high above the River Deben in the county of Suffolk. But were the softly rising mounds in pasture land 95 miles north-east of London the deciding factor in the purchase of the Sutton Hoo estate by newly-wed Frank and Edith Pretty?</p> <p>Edith Pretty had been born into a wealthy Yorkshire industrialist family, the Dempsters. She had been educated at Roedean and in Paris, and in her youth travelled extensively with her family, taking a keen interest in the archaeological sites of Italy, Egypt, and Greece. She&rsquo;d known her husband-to-be Frank since they&rsquo;d met in 1901. The pair had kept in touch throughout World War 1, but hadn&rsquo;t married until 1926, a year after the death of her father. She was then 43 years old.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: ship Burial