Tag: Shift

The A.I. “Grift Shift” Is Underway

It’s well known that technology moves at breakneck speed, but the last few years have seen the tech industry burn through copious amounts of next “big thing” at record pace. Those trying to cash in on the latest trend — the grifters — are pivoting so fast they must be s...

Six Powerful Visuals That Will Shift Your Mind

Sometimes, pictures teach better lessons than a thousand words. They convey powerful messages without saying much. Here are 9 visuals that I curated from Elon Musk’s X that can provide invaluable lessons about life. Curiosity is the Secret to Growth And Success — Roberto Ferra...

Rethinking Employee Experience: A Paradigm Shift

About a year and a half ago, my manager asked me to make sense of what was happening during the Great Resignation and how we could help. As I pored through books and articles attempting to educate myself on the issue, I got the sense these authors were like physicians at the bedside of modern work w...

My Experience Working the Graveyard Shift

It was November of 2017. Eleven months after graduating from college, I was working in the job of nobody’s dreams: retail stock associate. Holiday season was fast approaching, and my manager at work approached me to ask a simple question. “Are you available for overnights?” &...

Tech’s Revival of Tradition: A Paradigm Shift in Pharma

The essence of humanity intertwines with innovation — a continual process of generating ideas that redefine our lives. More crucial than any single innovation is the framework that nurtures them. I aim to initiate a wider conversation about innovation generation by examining the research and d...

The Cosmic Shift: Pluto Enters Aquarius and its Impact on Aquarius Placements

The astrological community is abuzz as Pluto, the planet of transformation and rebirth, makes its monumental ingress into Aquarius. This significant transit, which occurs approximately every 248 years, marks a period of profound change and evolution, not just globally but also for individuals, espec...

How to Connect with the Universe and Shift Your Reality

Introduction: Embracing the Universe’s Wisdom Have you ever felt like the Universe has a secret language, speaking to us through the intricate web of life’s lessons and strokes of luck? It’s like an invisible force nudging us toward personal growth and transformation. Today,...

Strategic Shift in the Horn of Africa: Ethiopia’s Access to the Somaliland Port of Berbera

The recent agreement between Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and Somaliland President Muse Bihi Abdi, granting Ethiopia access to the Somaliland port of Berbera, marks a turning point in Ethiopia’s strategic logistics and supply chain dynamics. The agreement is more than just a logistical ...

Doppler Shift: What Is It?

Now, I am going to assume that 95% of the people who are reading this are not astronomy geeks. I bet that 30% of the people reading this are also not experts in optics. Am I right ? So, for the sake of those 95% and 30% people, let me start from the basics. What is a spectrum of light? When li...

Psychedelic Shift: From Vegan to Meat-Eater, My Body’s Needs

I believe diet is very individual. We have unique minds and unique bodies. Everybody is different. But here is what is true for me and my human system: After I re-learned to listen to my body and my body’s needs, I let myself experience fish and then meat again, and I have to admi...

Artquake 2024: Buckle Up for a Seismic Shift in Perception

In the throbbing underbelly of 2024, where art sheds its skin and reinvents itself, gather ye rebels of the aesthetic! Buckle your corsets of curiosity, for we embark on a transgressive odyssey through the shimmering mirage of contemporary art. Brace yourselves as iconic giants collide with subversi...