Rethinking Employee Experience: A Paradigm Shift

<p>About a year and a half ago, my manager asked me to make sense of what was happening during the Great Resignation and how we could help. As I pored through books and articles attempting to educate myself on the issue, I got the sense these authors were like physicians at the bedside of modern work whose prescriptions were as varied as the authors. The lack of consensus left me none the wiser.</p> <p>These authors did agree there is a growing concern in the modern workplace regarding employee satisfaction and engagement. Dissatisfaction and exhaustion have become a common refrain among employees, signaling a need for profound change. The year 2022 marked a turning point, with reports indicating that a significant portion (between a third to a half) of the American workforce was actively looking to switch jobs. The unsettling reality of many of these employees leaving without another job in hand signifies a critical breakdown in the workplace experience. What was behind this worker exodus? Was it simply the convenience of remote work or the allure of greener pastures? Or was it the result of a more profound issue, such as the erosion of work&rsquo;s intrinsic value? Perhaps the lens through which we were looking at the problem was wrong or incomplete. I needed to find out.</p> <p>During my research, I was reminded of a story I read a number of years ago.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Shift Paradigm