Tag: setup

Ready Worker One: Is VR the missing piece in your work-from-home setup?

It would be ideal to work from home all the time, many of us thought, until we had to do it. For me, like many, it almost worked well. The space I had for my home office was almost big enough. But the desk was too shallow, and so my monitor was always just a little too ...

Ready Worker One: Is VR the missing piece in your work-from-home setup?

It would be ideal to work from home all the time, many of us thought, until we had to do it. For me, like many, it almost worked well. The space I had for my home office was almost big enough. But the desk was too shallow, and so my monitor was always just a little too ...

My Drawing Setup and Workspace

I draw digitally, but what do I use to turn my ideas into reality? I’m not picky about my workspace, I’d say. I am okay being on the go and creating in buses, cafes and libraries. But when I am home, there is a certain comfort I get in having a place to draw. Here is my workspace...

My Drawing Setup and Workspace

I draw digitally, but what do I use to turn my ideas into reality? I’m not picky about my workspace, I’d say. I am okay being on the go and creating in buses, cafes and libraries. But when I am home, there is a certain comfort I get in having a place to draw. Here is my workspace...

Quick Setup Guide: New Unity Input System

Let's go over getting the new input system set up and ready for use inside unity. Installing New Input System Package: Note: The new Input System requires Unity 2019.1+ and the .NET 4 runtime. It doesn’t work in projects using the old .NET 3.5 runtime. Inside the package m...

How To Setup MLflow on an AWS EC2 Instance for Tracking your ML Experiments

This will be one of my first blog series on MLOps on the Cloud. In this post i’l explain in steps how you can setup MLFlow on an AWS EC2 instance and use AWS S3 bucket to store your experiment artifacts For many MLOps engineers, choosing the right MLOps platform, whether on-prem or in the c...

Deploy Toll SDK on Your AWS Cloud: A Comprehensive Setup Guide

Security Components: Valid Domain Name: Make sure you have a registered domain name to access TollGuru SDK services on AWS. SSL Certificates: Acquire and attach SSL certificates to encrypt data communication. You can use AWS Certificate Manager to get a public SSL certificate. AW...

Docker and Docker Desktop on Ubuntu Made Easy: A Developer’s Quick Setup Guide

Hey developers! Installing things on Ubuntu can sometimes feel like deciphering ancient runes. But fear not, because this guide is your ticket to painless Docker installation on Ubuntu. I followed the initial set up offered by Docker here, but things didn’t go very smoothly (of cours...

Getting Started With .NET 8: Seamless Setup With DevContainers

The relentless march of the .NET release schedule continues at an impressive pace! Even though the gloss on version 7 hasn’t had a chance to fade, version 8 stands on our doorstep, poised for release in November 2023. The .NET team has announced a wealth of new features to pique our curiosity....

GCP Dataflow Flex Template Pipeline — Part 5 (GitHub Actions Setup for Deployment)

Well, we are almost there. In the previous parts of this project (links below), we setup our pipeline and infra. Now it is time to deploy. I have broken the process into 2 GitHub Action files: Deployment of Docker Image: https://github.com/amandeepsaluja/gcp-dataflow-pipeline/blob/master/...

GCP Dataflow Flex Template Pipeline — Part 4 (Docker and Terraform Setup)

In the Part 3 of this project, we created the pipeline with all the requirements needed to deploy it for a Cloud Dataflow job. In this part, we will be creating Docker file and setup our terraform configuration. So, lets get started. Before we start, lets take a look at the folder struc...

[React Native + iOS] Creating a VoIP app with Twilio in mind | Full setup 2023

In today’s interconnected world, the demand for real-time communication applications is on the rise. Whether it’s for personal use or business purposes, voice and video calling apps have become an integral part of our daily lives. Building a VoIP-based app for iOS can seem like a daun...

Setup a python script as a service through systemctl/systemd

There are several ways you can run your program as a background service in Linux such as crontab, .bashrc, etc but today I’ll write about systemd. I was initially looking for a way to run my python script as a background service so even if the server restarts for some reason, my scri...

My Creative Writing Setup

I finally finished my first fiction novel after two years of work and have already begun work on my second. I’ve also produced several short stories and have some game supplements in slow progress. So, as people seem interested in knowing these things, I thought it was about time I shared m...

The Tool to Automate Your MacOS Developer SetUp.

I don't know about you guys, but from time to time I like to clean all my files on my MacBook and start over. All my code is always up to date with ther respective github repos, this way starting over is just a matter of reinstalling and configuring all the software again. Most software nowad...

The BEST Fully Rust-based Terminal Setup

A quick overview of an entire developer setup using only the terminal and Rust-based tools. I want this to be quick so I won’t be going over any of the tools in depth or installation methods, instead I will simply refer to each tool’s site which I think does a great job of showcasing ...

macOS: JAVA_HOME environment Setup

1. What is Java Home Many Java applications need to know the location of a $JAVA_HOME directory. The $JAVA_HOME on Mac OS X should be found using the /usr/libexec/java_home command-line tool on Mac OS X 10.5 or later. On older Mac OS X versions where the tool does no...

Setup Flutter Path or Install Flutter in Mac OS

Flutter has good installation documentation, but to update flutter path permanently on macOS need to follow this steps Download Flutter Framework from here https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/install/macos If bash Shell then run this command in terminal nano ~/.bash_profi...

How to automate your macOS setup with Brewfile

Whether you’re a newcomer to the world of package managers or a seasoned pro, Brew promises to make your macOS software management experience smoother, more efficient, and downright enjoyable. If you’ve been using the mac for a while and realise that you’re accumulating a lot of...