Getting Started With .NET 8: Seamless Setup With DevContainers

<p>The relentless march of the .NET release schedule continues at an impressive pace! Even though the gloss on version 7 hasn&rsquo;t had a chance to fade, version 8 stands on our doorstep, poised for release in November 2023. The .NET team has announced a wealth of new features to pique our curiosity. And to make sure we are all paying attention, they have already rolled out five preview versions.</p> <p>I usually enjoy getting hands-on with new tools and technologies before they&rsquo;re officially released, and .NET 8 is no different. However, this can lead to an accumulation of installed SDK versions, cluttering my development machine. To avoid this, I lean on DevContainers, which help me keep my dev environment clean and organized. In this post, I&rsquo;ll walk you through this approach, illustrating how to use a DevContainer to explore all of the new features in .NET 8 while keeping your machine clutter-free.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Seamless setup