Tag: serverless

In defense of serverless

I recently read the “Don’t be fooled by serverless” article from David Heinemeier Hansson and was really irritated by the serverless-bashing without any real insights. By way of background, I have operated servers since the early 2000s. First normal x86 racks...

Serverless API Idempotency with AWS Lambda Powertools and CDK

It happened to all of us. You order a shiny new tech gadget or a pair of new jeans online. The order takes its time and then fails due to momentary network failure. So you submit it again, and the order goes through this time; success! However, two weeks later, you realize your credit card was...

Ensuring Serverless Success: A Guide to Service Level Agreement (SLA) Definitions and Guidelines

Last month I was tasked with estimating my Serverless service ‘SLA’, service level agreement. At first, I was not sure how to approach the task. For all I knew, SLA was a legally binding contract between a company and its customers regarding its services’ availability and predic...

Serverless in 2022

On January 4th, I announced the tech word of the year was async. Personally, I was prepared for a year of education on event-driven architectures. I was determined to go full-swing at work into 202 status codes and background processes. The architectures I designed wer...

I Don’t Know What Serverless Is Anymore

Something you probably wouldn’t expect an AWS Serverless Hero to say is, “I don’t know what serverless is.” I’m not proud of that statement. In fact, I’m a little upset about it. I used to have a firm grasp on serverless, but that seems to have been shaken up r...

Serverless vs Containers: Which is Right for Your Business?

Are you attempting to determine the ideal method for deploying your apps in the cloud? The two most common solutions are Serverless vs Containers. But deciding which one to use might be difficult. Which one is superior? Are Serverless more economical? Which one is simpler to manage? In this ...

How to Effortlessly Monitor Serverless Applications with CloudWatch — Part One

In this two-post series, you will learn to monitor serverless services with CloudWatch by building dashboards, widgets and alarms with AWS CDK. In this post, you will learn what it means to monitor a serverless service, why it is essential, and how to build CloudWatch dashboards to monitor your s...

5 Lessons Learned from Testing Databricks SQL Serverless + DBT

Databricks’ SQL warehouse products are a compelling offering for companies looking to streamline their production SQL queries and warehouses. However, as usage scales up, the cost and performance of these systems become crucial to analyze. In this blog we take a technical deep dive into the...

Leveraging Infrastructure as Code (IaC) for AWS Lambda: A Comparative Analysis of AWS SAM, Terraform, and Serverless Framework

In recent years, Infrastructure as Code (IaC) has emerged as a fundamental practise in cloud computing, allowing developers and operations teams to manage and provision infrastructure using code rather than manual processes. This shift has revolutionised the way applications are deployed and managed...

Mastering Serverless: Deploying Applications with AWS Lambda and API Gateway

Deploying a serverless application using #AWS Lambda and #API Gateway involves several steps. Deploying a simple “Hello World” serverless application using AWS Lambda and API Gateway. Deploying a #serverless application using AWS Lambda and API Gateway involves several steps. In this ...