Tag: server

Getting started with Apache web server

Apache is an open source software which enables users to deploy their websites on the internet. It is responsible for accepting HTTP request from visitors and sending back the requested information. Apache is developed and maintained by the Apache Software Foundation. Companies such as Linke...

Creating a Load Balancer in GO

Modern websites might have to deal with hundreds or thousands of user requests per second. It is important to make sure the underlying infrastructure can handle all this traffic. As volume increases, it becomes necessary to scale up the number of available servers. A load balancer is a tool that ...

Deploying a MERN Stack Application on AWS Server

Introduction Still on my journey to become a cloud engineer, we’ve come a long way from bash scripting to python and Learning the foundational services that AWS provides. Join me as a take a breather before we embark on today’s task. Feeling overwhelmed, you’re not alone i feel ...

How Do We Set Up Our Own Send-Only SMTP Server? (Postfix, Docker, Gmail)

Hello, in this article, I will try to answer the question of how to set up an SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server in our local environment and send emails from our remote server using our own postfix server. I will continue explaining through the following points: 1- What is SMT...

NTP Server on Docker: Keeping Your Devices in Perfect Sync

Network Time Protocol (NTP) is a communication protocol that allows the synchronization of clocks across devices using TCP/IP communication. NTP relies on a service or daemon running on a server connected to an atomic clock, a GPS receiver, or another precise timekeeping device. This server, often r...

Docker — Building an environment with multiple PHP versions on a single Nginx server

We often work with systems that run on different software versions. Therefore, we need tools that allow us to compile / interpret / execute our code according to the context where we are. In this article we will see how to create a development environment with Docker that will allow: Use mu...

Setting up a SFTP server inside an existing docker container (Method 1)

Not too many people think about setting up an SFTP server within a docker container. Why? Because docker containers aren’t meant to keep their state, so the things you want to achieve by having an SFTP server such as uploading or deleting files doesn’t correlate that well to doing it in ...

Kubernetes to External Kafka Server with mTLS

In the realm of modern microservices and containerized applications, managing security and authentication becomes increasingly complex. This is where Istio, an open-source service mesh, steps in as the unsung hero of secure communications in the Kubernetes ecosystem. Istio ensures that your applicat...

LUIT Project 18-Automating a Jenkins server build via Terraform

Scenario: Your team would like to start using Jenkins as their CI/CD tool to create pipelines for DevOps projects. They need you to create the Jenkins server using Terraform so that it can be used in other environments and so that changes to the...

How to play an encrypted Video or Audio file locally or from a remote server on Android (Part 2)

Introduction A Media Player will never be astonishing if it doesn’t provide you with online media streaming. So pursuing Part 1 of this article, where we discussed how to play an encrypted local file using a custom ExoPlayer’s DataSource, in this part of my article, I am goi...

Creating my first home server

As someone who works in software and product, I’ve been learning more about the hardware/infrastructure side of computing in recent months. Even if the knowledge doesn’t directly impact my day-to-day, I think having a decent understanding of general computing is a helpful skill...

Protect Your Linux Server From Attackers Using Cowrie SSH Honeypot– Know Your Enemy

Hacker attacks have been a problem for a long time. Managing our servers is essential to prevent them from being hacked. In this article, I’ll introduce you to Cowrie SSH, an open-source tool that creates a honeypot to lure hackers into a fake server and protect your real server from d...

Writing Server Software With Go

I’ve written a variety of different server software products. Both commercial as well as Open Source. Some of the examples you can find in my Github repositories. Before we dive in, you might rightfully ask: What do you mean by “server software”? Server software refers to...

How to Install Sql Server on Macos using Docker?

Greetings everyone, As you know, we cannot install Sql Server directly on Macos. So we are looking for other ways to install it. Docker provides a radical solution to this problem. In order to use Sql Server on Macos, there are 3 components that we need to download. These are; 1- Docker D...

Four Methods to Configure Maximum PowerShell Memory in Windows Server

Introduction Windows Server administrators often need to configure various parameters to optimize PowerShell session performance and resource allocation. One such critical parameter is the MaxMemoryPerShellMB, which determines the maximum memory allocated to each PowerShell session. This art...

Setup SSH Server on Windows 11

I’m not sure why you would want or need to access a Windows computer from a remote computer via SSH. For myself, I have a collection of computers with Windows on them and I like to play with them. I’m also a bit too lazy to walk up to those computers, so I find that I can accomplish most...

Benefits of Server Hosting in Hong Kong

Hong Kong is a perfect location for server hosting for various reasons. In this article we provide the top three reasons that make Hong Kong an ideal hosting location for both individuals and organizations. Stable Infrastructure in the heart of Asia Firstly, its geographical location in the he...

TMHMM server usage and result analysis in 3 simple steps

Choosing options in the TMHMM server Once we've pasted our sequence, the TMHMM server gives us some options for viewing our results. We can choose the output format as extensive, with graphics, extensive, with no graphics, and one line per protein. The extensive, with graphics form,...

Signal P server usage and result analysis in 3 simple steps

SignalP is a server used to predict the signal peptide for proteins. SignalP 5.0 is the latest version. Here we are going to predict the signal peptide for the Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor (IGF1R) protein. You can find it on Uniprot here. (click on 'here') ( Uniprot is a protei...

TMHMM server usage and result analysis in 3 simple steps

Step 1- Submitting a FASTA sequence to the TMHMM server Open the Uniprot website and type Insulin in the search box. Click on the first protein that appears. IGF1R_HUMAN from Homo sapiens. Choose the top result i.e., the IGF1R_HUMAN protein and click on the entry number P08069 ...

mysql-server — ERROR 1698 (28000): Access denied

Comence a instalar mysql-server por medio de consola de Gnu/Linux y se me presento el siguiente error ERROR 1698 (28000): Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’ al momento de usar mysql -u root en la consola, tambien probe en workbench y me decia el mis...