Four Methods to Configure Maximum PowerShell Memory in Windows Server

<h1>Introduction</h1> <p>Windows Server administrators often need to configure various parameters to optimize PowerShell session performance and resource allocation. One such critical parameter is the&nbsp;<code>MaxMemoryPerShellMB</code>, which determines the maximum memory allocated to each PowerShell session. This article will explore multiple methods to configure the&nbsp;<code>MaxMemoryPerShellMB</code>&nbsp;setting.</p> <h1>Method 1: Using PowerShell Command Line Interface</h1> <p>The most straightforward way to configure&nbsp;<code>MaxMemoryPerShellMB</code>&nbsp;is through PowerShell itself. Follow these steps:</p> <ol> <li>Open a PowerShell command line interface.</li> <li>Navigate to the WSMan Shell configuration by using the&nbsp;<code>sl</code>&nbsp;(Set-Location) and&nbsp;<code>dir</code>&nbsp;(Get-Item) commands:</li> </ol> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Windows server