Tag: Seek

A Game of Hide and Seek (Poem)

I seek You, Lord In the winds ruffling The Fall leaves Along the sidewalk, I seek You In the chirps Of birds That sing to You Hymns in the mornings, Often wondering, If life is just the perfect game Of hide and seek Between the two of us. Today, Are You hidi...

“What you seek is seeking you…”

At the beginning of the year, a fellow birder from Delhi told me “February is the best time for birding in NCR. Make sure you make the most of it.” What transpired was antithetical, a mix of personal ailments and professional commitments drove me out of the capital city and back to warme...

“What you seek is seeking you…”

At the beginning of the year, a fellow birder from Delhi told me “February is the best time for birding in NCR. Make sure you make the most of it.” What transpired was antithetical, a mix of personal ailments and professional commitments drove me out of the capital city and back to warme...

Why Men Seek Independent Women in Hopes of Turning Them Into Doormats

Rumour has it comedian Jonah Hill told his ex-girlfriend Sarah Brady, a professional surfer, to take down any surfing photos or videos from social media that showed her ‘ass in a thong’ while they were together. He also shared a list of things she wasn’t allowed to do anymore &m...

Healing Isn’t What I Thought It Was

I used to believe I had to seek healing from outside sources whether through traditional talk therapy, Reiki, or acupuncture; but now I realize that healing happens naturally in our everyday lives. Healing often comes in forms we least expect. I am a survivor of childhood trauma. For much of my a...