“What you seek is seeking you…”

<p>At the beginning of the year, a fellow birder from Delhi told me &ldquo;<em>February is the best time for birding in NCR. Make sure you make the most of it.</em>&rdquo; What transpired was antithetical, a mix of personal ailments and professional commitments drove me out of the capital city and back to warmer climes south of Vindhyas. The thought of making the most of the migratory season seemed improbable with every passing day. And just as I had resigned to the fact that that February might not even be remotely close to the great start to the year that I had managed in January &mdash; messages of the&nbsp;<strong>Great Backyard Bird Count</strong>&nbsp;(GBBC) happening between February 18 to 21 started floating on WhatsApp groups. Great backyard whatnow? Yup. Have got that a lot.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@ranjeet.rane.in/what-you-seek-is-seeking-you-8c65a8c228"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: seeking Seek