Tag: Role

Digitalks #21: The Important Role of Illustrations in an Explainer Video

Along with a script and motions, illustrations are the backbone of an explainer video. Illustrations are artistic visualizations that transform mundane explanations into compelling stories to create a lasting impact on viewers. In our Digitalk session, the Head Illustrator of Breadnbeyond,&nbs...

Boston’s role at the center of vaccine history in the U.S.

The Colonial period experienced numerous epidemics, including measles in 1657 and Yellow Fever in 1699. However, it was smallpox that would become one of the deadliest diseases to the American colonies, with Boston’s significant port at the epicenter. During an outbreak in 1721, there wer...

Playing the Role

A poetic story of performing in the Fringe Festival of Edinburgh, Scotland. Photo belongs to the author Recollecting all the positives and outweighing the negatives that occurred in that week of traveling. Multiple performances, hardened judges, positive ratings, and a chance to be nation...

Exploring New Worlds: The Thrill of Live-Action Role-Playing

Growing up, I was never interested in gaming; Board games and Mafia were never my things, and I didn’t enjoy spending time playing with others, in particular with total strangers. However, last October, my friend invited me to try out LARP (Live-Action Role-Playing). Walking in with no expecta...

When This Role Player “Saved” LeBron’s Legacy(It’s Not Ray Allen)

“James catches, puts up a 3. Won’t go. Rebound Bosh. Back out to Allen. His 3 pointer. BANG!!!!! Tie game with 5 seconds remaining “— Mike Breen, NBA Finals Game 6, 2013. Ray Allen made the greatest shot in NBA history… And according to Skip Bayless, it’s t...

AI’s Growing Role in Conservation and Conservation Technologies

The term “Artificial intelligence” (AI) gets thrown around a lot in the tech space. It’s one of those buzzwords everyone has heard, but few really understand. The U.S. State Dept. quotes the National Artificial Intelligence Act of 2020 saying “The term ‘artifi...

The Role of Foundations and Nonprofits in Addressing Social Issues

In a world rife with complex and multifaceted social issues, the role of foundations and nonprofits is increasingly pivotal. These organizations act as catalysts for positive change, addressing pressing problems that range from poverty and education to healthcare and environmental conservation. Thei...

Disabled Women Need Role Models

Having role models is crucial for personal growth and development, especially for underrepresented individuals in the media. As a child, there were very few disabled people, let alone disabled women, in the media spotlight. Although this is changing, there is still a massive gap, which can cause sig...

The Crucial Role of Diversification in Driving Business Growth and Resilience

The concept of comprehensive diversification has emerged as a linchpin for sustainable growth and long-term success. As markets evolve, customer preferences shift, and global events impact industries, businesses must embrace a holistic approach that explores diverse avenues and str...

The role of Women in Society Past vs. Present

The role of women in society has undergone a remarkable transformation over the centuries. From traditional societal expectations that confined women to domestic roles, their status and opportunities have expanded significantly in modern times. This article explores the contrasting narratives of wom...

Legal Tech Companies: The Role of Expert Call Services

Expert call services offered by legal tech companies serve as the backbone of seamless communication within the legal industry. These services enable law firms to handle their incoming calls professionally and efficiently, ensuring that no potential clients or important information slips through the...

AI’s Role in IT Services for Attorneys

The Power of AI in IT Services for Attorneys Artificial Intelligence (AI) has rapidly transformed various industries, and the legal profession is no exception. With the advent of advanced technology, AI has become an indispensable tool for attorneys, enabling them to streamline their workflows an...

The Role Of Trucking In Supply Chain Management

Introduction The trucking industry plays a crucial role in supply chain management, responsible for transporting goods and materials from manufacturers to retailers and consumers. In this article, we will explore the role of trucking in supply chain management and why it is essential to the globa...

Mental Health and Psychiatry’s Role in Gun Violence

The number of mass killings in the United States in 2023 has reached over 570 as of this writing (October 30, 2023). The public outcry for change has resurfaced the concern that lack of access or utilization of mental health treatment is at least in part to blame. The perpetrator of the recent Lewis...

The Role Reversal of Parenting Your Immigrant Parents

You know how they say, “The child is the father of the man?” Well, if you grew up in an immigrant household like I did, there comes a point when this poetic sentiment by Wordsworth turns into your lived reality. Now, don’t get me wrong; I’m not talking about being t...

The Pivotal Role of Indigenous Practices in Ecological Restoration

Our planet is at a critical juncture, facing an ecological crisis that threatens the very fabric of life. In this dire context, the restoration of ecosystems emerges as a signal of hope. However, the path to ecological recovery is complex and multifaceted. Among various approaches to rehabilitation,...

More than the Other: Why We Need More Multiracial Role Models

Was I an American? A Mexican? A Filipino? I had relatives from more than one culture, from different parts of the country as well as different parts of the world. They looked different than I did. A few had my complexion. Or my hair. Or my frame. But no one looked quite like me. My only...

Cholesterol and Its Terribly Misunderstood Role In Heart Disease

Medical science has been talking about cholesterol and its links to heart disease for years. People who are at risk of heart failure are invariably prescribed medicines such as statins by medical doctors to lower the cholesterol levels in their blood, in the hope that they would be able to...

Birds’ Role in Urban Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation

Wildlife and biodiversity are not generally linked with urban environments. Birds, on the other hand, have demonstrated their endurance and adaptation by prospering in urban contexts, where they serve an important role in maintaining ecological balance and conserving biodiversity. The importanc...

You Don’t Move Humans With Facts. The Critical Role Emotions Play In Marketing

If you Google “how decisions are made” you’ll find a theory that says people gather information, narrow choices, review the evidence, and choose among alternatives. Maybe this is how Star Trek’s Spock made decisions, but neuroscience and brain scans tell a different story. ...

Understanding The Three “Brains” in Our Body (And Their Critical Role at Work)

The head, the heart, and the gut hold immense capabilities to gather, process, store, and act upon information. They handle intricate operations (both dependently and independently) using their own dedicated nervous systems — complete with billions of neurons that allow them to grow, flex, and...

Role of Physics in our daily life

On our beloved planet Earth, a myriad of daily occurrences pique our interest, ranging from routine events to infrequent incidents. The realm of physics serves as the guiding force, unravelling the mysteries behind everything we witness and engage in, from the simplest rainfall to the most intricate...

The Crucial Role of Probability in Data Science

Data Science is a field that revolves around extracting meaningful insights from data. Probability, a fundamental concept in mathematics, plays a pivotal role in the foundation of data science. In this blog, we will explore the importance of probability in data science, unraveling its significance t...

The Essential Role of Conservator-Restorers in Preserving our Cultural Heritage

Restoring buildings or works of art that are steeped in history requires a high level of expertise and competence. Restorers are experts dedicated to this task. They work to restore existing structures and works of art to their original form and breathe new life into them. Conservators are unique...

The Role of AI in the Art World: Should Museums Embrace AI-Generated Digital Art?

Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized many industries, and the art world is no exception. AI-generated digital art is gaining popularity, and some artists and art institutions are embracing this new form of art. However, others are skeptical about the role of AI in the art world and are he...


One of the fundamental questions we ask ourselves regularly in Polygon8 is; what is the point of what we are creating? We often look at our role as artists and the function of our work, what it means to us, and who it serves. So here I have attempted to tidy up some of our thought processes and make...

Sipping Through Time: Alcohol’s Role in accelerated Skin Ageing

With a decreasing number of Gen Z individuals reporting regular alcohol consumption, and the start of the ‘sober curious’ movement coupled with the emergence of alcohol-free venues, it’s evident that alcohol intake is on the decline. This aligns with the notable surge in health, an...

The Role of French Cultural Policy in the Development and Impact of French Drama

French drama has a rich history that has influenced the development of theater in Europe and beyond. French cultural policy has played a significant role in supporting the development of French drama and ensuring its continued relevance and vitality. In this blog post, we will explore the history of...

Through My Window, Into Stardom: Clara Galle’s Lead Role in Netflix’s Latest

Clara’s acting journey began with her notable performance as Eva Merino in the Amazon Prime TV show “The Boarding School: Las Cumbres (2021).” Her exceptional portrayal in this role garnered attention from audiences and industry professionals alike, leading to numerous offers ...