The Role Reversal of Parenting Your Immigrant Parents

<p>You know how they say,<strong>&nbsp;<em>&ldquo;The child is the father of the man?&rdquo;</em>&nbsp;</strong>Well, if you grew up in an immigrant household like I did, there comes a point when this poetic sentiment by Wordsworth turns into your lived reality. Now, don&rsquo;t get me wrong; I&rsquo;m not talking about being the man of the house at 12 because Dad is working late shifts. I&rsquo;m talking about the peculiar, heart-tugging shift when you find yourself becoming the&nbsp;<em>de facto</em>&nbsp;parent to your own immigrant parents. In a world where Google Maps replaces intuition and Siri can answer questions faster than Mom, what happens when we become the guiding light for those who once held our hands through darkness?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Role Reversal