Tag: Roadmap

Web Developer Roadmap 2023: Beginner’s Guide

Are you planning to start your web development journey? In this article we will discuss step by step how to become a web developer. What are the languages and frameworks you need to learn? Comprehensive roadmap covering everything from foundation skills to advanced topi...

How to Create First Data Engineering Project? An Incremental Project Roadmap

People often fail to remain consistent while learning so many different technologies. They fail to piece it together. The roadmap should have addressed the challenge of this dwindling attention span. We will try to explore how an Incremental Project Roadmap can address this gap. The Data Engineer...

Humans.ai’s Roadmap reveals the path to the decentralised AI Ecosystem

The path to innovation is not usually straightforward, often taking unexpected directions, twists, and turns that unlock new value and opportunities. Even if the element of surprise is a constant presence that puts to test companies’ abilities to adapt and overcome challenges, each journey tow...

Mastering Android App Development: Your Roadmap to Success

Android, as one of the leading mobile operating systems, continues to dominate the market, and the need for skilled Android app developers is growing rapidly. To thrive in this competitive landscape, staying ahead of the curve by embracing the latest trends, technologies, and best practices is cruci...

A Professional Guide to Starting a Career in Coding

The world of coding is both fascinating and challenging. While learning to code is relatively easy, choosing the right path and mastering a language can be daunting. Drawing from my experience, I spent six months searching for the right direction to begin my coding journey. In this guide, we will ex...

ULTIMATE Roadmap for beginner Android developers. Track your progress and grow

I know you want to become an Android developer. Android development can become difficult without a roadmap. It can be difficult for a beginner Android developer to understand complex topics like Dependency Injection, Android Architecture, and Jetpack Compose. There are too many topics to cover...

A Roadmap to Become a Machine Learning Engineer

As a Machine Learning Engineer, I remember feeling uncertain about the path ahead when I first started out. Back then, I had no idea that the title “Machine Learning Engineer” even existed when I was working on my Text-to-Speech study for my Bachelor’s thesis. But it has become a p...

Full-Stack Developer Roadmap: Step-by-Step Guide 2023

The demand for versatile and skilled professionals is increasing in today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape. One such role that has gained significant popularity is that of a Fullstack Developer. This article will provide an in-depth understanding of what a Fullstack Developer i...

How to Design a Roadmap for a Machine Learning Project

What is the first thing you do when starting a new machine learning project? I’ve posed this question to a variety of ML leaders in startups and have received a few different answers. In no particular order: Try out one of our existing models to see if it works for the new task. Sta...

How to Design a Roadmap for a Machine Learning Project

What is the first thing you do when starting a new machine learning project? I’ve posed this question to a variety of ML leaders in startups and have received a few different answers. In no particular order: Try out one of our existing models to see if it works for the new task. Sta...

Deep Learning Roadmap with Python

Machine learning is a good approach for small and medium datasets. But, when it comes to analyzing big data, this approach is unsuccessful. I learned machine learning techniques easily, but when performing deep learning projects, there are many challenges, especially for beginners. This blog will...

Vision, Venture, Victory: The Daily Routines of Industry Titans and Your Roadmap to Success!

1. The Vision: Painting the Big Picture In the quiet hours before the sun wakes the world, the big players are already stirring. Not because of alarms or early meetings. They’re driven by dreams. Ever wonder what raced through Steve Jobs’ mind in that famous garage? Or Elon Musk&rsquo...

Unveiling the Realities of the Restaurant Industry: A Roadmap to Success

As a veteran of the restaurant industry, I’ve often heard the cliché, “It’s a brutal business!” Perhaps you’ve heard it too. However, the real question should be, “Is it really so difficult to be profitable in the restaurant industry?” In my exp...

Wild Child On Melrose Road

My dreams came true in the form of a farmhouse in the Missouri woods. Three acres of rolling hills and a long, winding driveway. A dilapidated barn sat in the back of the property, abandoned and void of life, save for a singular rope swing. I would spin in solitude for hours amongst the rusty ...

Creating a Positive Culture in EYFS Provision: A Roadmap for Success.

Currently, many EYFS owners, leaders, and managers face significant challenges in cultivating a positive culture within their provision. Although I don’t have specific data to support this observation, I have my finger on the pulse of the industry, regularly listening to my clients and engagin...

The Roadmap to ABM Success: Actionable Org Charts as Your Guide

In today’s competitive business landscape, companies are constantly seeking innovative ways to reach and engage their target audience. Account-Based Marketing (ABM) has emerged as a powerful strategy that allows businesses to personalize their marketing efforts and build meaningful relationshi...

The Indie Game Developer’s Roadmap: From Idea to Success

Indie game development has come a long way in recent years, and the industry continues to thrive with innovative, unique, and engaging games. If you’re an aspiring indie game developer, you’re in an exciting and challenging field. To help you navigate the path to success, we’ve cre...

ZTX Product Roadmap Overview

Can you believe it’s already November? 2022 has flown by. But you know what they say — time flies when you’re busy building. And that’s precisely what we’ve been up to. In August, we introduced ZTX and shared our vision to buil...

iOS Developer Roadmap 2023

Being an iOS developer implies to keep learning about many topics such as data persistence, memory management or concurrency just to mention some of them, and it’s important to always be up to date with the latest features to take the full advantage of the platform. I created the ...

20230916 — Toronto Island BBQ & Beer Co. — APRILandALLEN’s Restaurant Roadmap

We ate at the Toronto Island BBQ & Beer Co. on Centre Island after going to see the largest rubber duck in the world! This was our second trip on Toronto’s ferries, and our second time meeting the big yellow duck; watch out for a Toronto Roadmap update with more photos of our trip! A...

Crafting a Real Estate App: Your Roadmap to Success

Perhaps you’ve encountered the frustration of sifting through countless property listings or the challenges of connecting buyers and sellers seamlessly. If you’re nodding in agreement, it’s time to take a closer look at the transformative power of mobile app development for real es...

A roadmap to inclusive leadership: emergency preparedness (key no10)

Welcome to the next milestone on our roadmap to inclusive leadership. Today, we dive into the 10th key, one that is largely overlooked, even by some of the most experienced inclusive leaders: emergency preparedness. In this part of our series, we won’t just be talking about planning and being ...

A roadmap to inclusive leadership: digital accessibility (key no4)

Have you ever wondered why some websites and applications naturally feel like a warm welcome while others are more like doors being slammed in your face? Well, the difference between them often boils down to our fourth key to inclusive leadership: digital accessibility. As leaders, you probably s...

Roadmap to Calculus for Data Science

Imagine you’re scrolling through endless Netflix suggestions, and suddenly, “The Shawshank Redemption” pops up — your all-time favorite. How did they know? The answer lies in a powerful language: calculus. While it might seem daunting at first, calculus equips data scientists...

Cell & Gene Therapy: Building a Data Analytics Roadmap

The list goes on and on… These problems are known to anyone who has worked in the Cell & Gene Therapy (CGT) industry. And yes, before you swipe that credit card and pay millions of dollars to a consultancy to solve your problems, consider bringing in your own in-house expertise. Understan...