ULTIMATE Roadmap for beginner Android developers. Track your progress and grow

<p>I know you want to become an Android developer.</p> <p>Android development can become difficult without a roadmap. It can be difficult for a beginner Android developer to understand complex topics like Dependency Injection, Android Architecture, and Jetpack Compose.</p> <p>There are too many topics to cover. So, with a good roadmap, it becomes easier to learn Android development. Also, you can keep track of your progress and grow over time.</p> <p>Here is a good Android Roadmap for you, of course, skip some steps and come back to them afterwards. Use this roadmap as your guide on your convenience to learn and grow.</p> <p><strong>Step 1: Learn Kotlin or Java</strong></p> <p>The first decision you&rsquo;ll encounter is choosing between Kotlin and Java as your primary programming language. Kotlin, renowned for its conciseness and developer-friendly features, has swiftly gained popularity in the Android ecosystem. Its seamless interoperability with Java and exceptional null safety features make it an attractive choice for modern app development.</p> <p>On the other hand, Java, a time-tested language, still holds its ground in the Android development community. Delving into Java also opens doors to mastering algorithms and data structures (DSA), foundational knowledge that plays a pivotal role in crafting efficient and optimized apps.</p> <p>As a beginner Android developer, I suggest you start with Kotlin, and you can easily learn Java afterwards.</p> <p><a href="https://hiteshkohli.medium.com/ultimate-roadmap-for-beginner-android-developers-track-your-progress-and-grow-dcbe9e376e90">Visit Now</a></p>