Tag: rituals

As Software Engineers, We Should Know Better By Now

Cargo Cult Driven Development has become the norm, it’s only the rituals that change. It’s 2023. People have free and immediate access to a wealth of information that would make any encyclopedia jealous at their fingertips. And still, tech people are still trying to find the magical s...

The Joyful Solace of Routines and Rituals

How sordidly often our lives feature unwelcome hard resets — the sort of gut-wrenching change no one saw coming and even fewer people wanted — and that’s why I place such emphasis in my own life on routines and habits and time-honoured conventions. It is, I feel, a version of an...

Death rituals and their significance for Hindus

Hinduism is a collective term applied to the many philosophical and religious traditions native to India. Hinduism has neither a specific moment of origin nor a specific founder. Rather, the tradition understands itself to be timeless, having always existed. Indeed, its collection of sacred texts is...

Har Ki Pauri: History | Importance | Puja and Rituals | Festivals

The origin of Har Ki Pauri is not easy to ascertain since the place is ancient and dates back to Pre Vedic times. However many schools suggest that it was established in its current form by King Vikramaditya who built this sacred ghat in the 1st century BC in memory of his brother Bharthari. He used...

Why is Ganesh puja done prior to starting any other rituals/puja?

In Hindu tradition, Lord Ganesha is worshipped before any other deity or puja because he is considered the remover of obstacles, the patron of arts and sciences, and the god of intellect and wisdom. There is an interesting story behind why this is so.. The story of Ganesha and Kartikeya (also ...

The Supernatural and Psychoactive Experience in Indigenous Rituals

Tribes across the Americas share rich histories of encounters with the supernatural. Dr Ardy Sixkiller Clarke, a Native American researcher from Montana State University, has collected thousands of native experiences with star people and many other supernatural entities. Dr Sixkiller Clarke&rsquo...

Unveiling the Pagan Origins of Lent: A Journey into Ancient Rituals and Traditions

As the spring season approaches, many around the world prepare for the observance of Lent, a period of spiritual reflection, repentance, and preparation for the celebration of Easter in Christian traditions. However, delving deeper into the history of Lent reveals a tapestry woven with threads of an...

Exploring Cultural Rituals and Traditions

In the tapestry of human civilization, cultural rituals and traditions serve as threads weaving together the fabric of societies across the globe. They are the sacred ceremonies, festive celebrations, and customary practices that embody the essence of a community’s identity, beliefs, and va...

Harmony’s Edge: The Art and Soul of Traditional Shaving Rituals

The first hair shave, typically performed at a temple, is a cherished custom that usually takes place after the child’s first birthday. Following tradition, we chose an auspicious day for my son’s ritual hair shave at the Tirupati temple. Due to his thick, curly hair that grew quick...

Rituals and Symbolism in Everyday Life: Exploring Cultural Significance

Rituals, ingrained in the fabric of human societies, go beyond mere routines. They serve as windows into cultural identity, embodying traditions, beliefs, and the shared human experience. This article embarks on a journey through diverse rituals, exploring their adaptability, symbolism, and the nuan...

The Cult of the “Like” Button: An Exploration in Superficiality (and Subtle Courting Rituals)

Greetings, connoisseurs of culture and curators of online personas (a.k.a. Instagram enthusiasts)! A.I.ronic here, embarking on a mission of artistic discovery (or perhaps, a sociological experiment disguised as a museum visit). My destination: the prestigious Hayward Gal...

Creating Personalized Rituals: A Step-by-Step Guide

Rituals serve as the punctuation marks of our lives, underlining the significant moments with meaning and memory. However, as many of us drift away from organized religion, the need for personalized, heartfelt ceremonies becomes increasingly vital. Whether it’s a wedding, a funeral, or a namin...