Harmony’s Edge: The Art and Soul of Traditional Shaving Rituals

<p><strong>The first hair shave, typically performed at a temple, is a cherished custom that usually takes place after the child&rsquo;s first birthday.</strong>&nbsp;Following tradition, we chose an auspicious day for my son&rsquo;s ritual hair shave at the Tirupati temple. Due to his thick, curly hair that grew quickly, I often had to trim it. We saved these trimmings as part of our tradition. If his hair grew too long before the ritual, we would trim it and store the clippings.</p> <p>When we visited the temple for the ritual shave, we brought along these trimmings, which were then combined with the hair shaved off by the barber during the ritual. During our visit to Tirupati for his first hair shave, our entire family accompanied us. The shave took place outside the temple by one of the many available barbers.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/good-vibes-club/harmonys-edge-the-art-and-soul-of-traditional-shaving-rituals-3ac36cfb1713"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>