Tag: Rights

Women’s Rights Benefit Us All

On Monday, October 9th, Professor Claudia Goldin of Harvard University learned she would receive the Nobel Prize in Economics for her seminal research that exposed the causes of deeply rooted wage and labor market inequality between men and women. As the first woman to solely receive the Economics P...

An Open Letter to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Human Rights for Children

I am hopeful that we can agree on this fundamental point: Children have human rights, including the right of adolescents to be listened to and respected, particularly on matters related to decisions about their own bodies, health, and well-being. In that vein, I am writing with great concern that...

SCOTUS could gut the Voting Rights Act even further.

In November of 2017, Latasha Holloway sued the City of Virginia Beach, arguing that the at-large city council elections illegally diluted the voting power of minorities. She found it peculiar that a city made up of 31.6% minority voters had only ever elected six minority candidates to the City Counc...

Gun Control: Striking the Balance between Safety and Second Amendment Rights

The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, shall not infringe the right of the people to keep and bear arms.” This constitutional provision has long been regarded as a cornerstone of American l...

Immigration and States’ Rights

Recent anti-immigrant proposals in various states across the country directed at non-white migrants reek of the tradition of racism behind arguments for states’ rights. Originally brought to bear prior to, during, and after the Civil War, the argument has shifted from protecting slavery to opp...

The rights conferred by the membership of a political party

One of the lesser-recognised examples of this is the power exercised by members of political parties. They make up a tiny fraction of the population — the last piece of research that I saw on the situation here in the UK had the total at 846,000 in a country with a population...

Civil Rights vs Social Justice

When I was young, we worked for civil rights. Today people work for social justice. Superficially, only the names have changed, because civil rights and social justice are both about treating people fairly. But if you think word choices matter — which the social justice community does vehement...

Bill of Rights for People of Mixed Heritage (30-Year Anniversary)

Multiracials’ Cultural Competence — Siddiqui et al., 2018 “Multiracials have unique strengths stemming from their mixedness (Shih & Sanchez, 2005; Salahuddin & O’Brien, 2011). For example, Multiracials have been found to show greater appreciation, toleran...