Civil Rights vs Social Justice

<p>When I was young, we worked for civil rights. Today people work for social justice. Superficially, only the names have changed, because civil rights and social justice are both about treating people fairly. But if you think word choices matter &mdash; which the social justice community does vehemently &mdash; these changes are significant.</p> <p>1. Civil rights workers defined their causes by what they supported: equality, integration, peace. Social justice activists define their causes by what they oppose: anti-racism, anti-war, anti-capitalism, etc.</p> <p>2. Civil rights workers spoke of humanity as brothers and sisters. Social justice activists divide humanity into groups based on physical or ethnic identity and their &ldquo;allies&rdquo;.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Civil Rights