Women’s Rights Benefit Us All

<p>On Monday, October 9th, Professor Claudia Goldin of Harvard University learned she would receive the Nobel Prize in Economics for her seminal research that exposed the causes of deeply rooted wage and labor market inequality between men and women. As the first woman to solely receive the Economics Prize, Goldin&rsquo;s ground-breaking work also demonstrated the huge impact birth control has had on allowing women to enter the workforce.</p> <p>Why do I mention this? Because our access to education, our ability to earn a living wage, our decision if and when to bear children, and our experiences in the workplace, to name a few important ingredients of well-being, affect our ability to live well and age well.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/crows-feet/womens-rights-benefit-us-all-9e6f2509c57f"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Womens Rights