Tag: Reviewing

How Reviewing Your Best Writing Can Unleash Even More Creativity

This article is a precursor to my Medium Day Presentation, “The DNA Of Your Best Writing Is In Your Failed Articles”. If you enjoy this, feel free to stop by this Saturday at 5:30 PM for more. As a full-time writer and writing teacher, there’s no question I’m ask...

How neutrally exciting can a gallery be? Reviewing Gallery 78 in Hyderabad.

The third and last art gallery I visited in Hyderabad was Gallery 78. When I was dropped off at the place, I again thought I was dropped off in the wrong location. I found myself standing in the middle of a neighbourhood, and my mind couldn’t register for a moment that I was in front of a gall...

Reviewing Sustainable Fashion Brands

In today’s world, where ethical and environmental concerns are at the forefront of many conversations, the fashion industry has also been undergoing a significant transformation. Consumers are becoming more conscious of the impact their purchasing decisions have on the planet and are increasin...