How Reviewing Your Best Writing Can Unleash Even More Creativity

<p><em>This article is a precursor to my&nbsp;</em><a href="" rel="noopener"><em>Medium Day</em></a><em>&nbsp;Presentation, &ldquo;The DNA Of Your Best Writing Is In Your Failed Articles&rdquo;. If you enjoy this, feel free to stop by this Saturday at 5:30 PM for more.</em></p> <p>As a full-time writer and writing teacher, there&rsquo;s no question I&rsquo;m asked more than, &ldquo;How do you come up with ideas?&rdquo; Readers often ask this in regard to an article they liked (my clunkers are a topic of discussion for another day, for there are many).</p> <p>It&rsquo;s too simplistic to wave people off by saying they should just brainstorm, or bark at them, &ldquo;Just write.&rdquo; Writing and repetition are surely important, but with a system of ideation, and syncing those ideas into cohesive articles, you can produce articles you&rsquo;ll be proud of.</p> <p>For many of you, this system already exists and you don&rsquo;t realize it.</p> <h1>Step 1: capture your ideas with discipline</h1> <p>I used to think ideas could only fall out of the sky and that I couldn&rsquo;t replicate how it happened. I&rsquo;d get frustrated and wonder how I came up with &ldquo;that good one&rdquo; from the prior month. So often, I worried I&rsquo;d lost my creative mojo.</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>