Tag: Retired

Jenny Retired at 55 With $1 Million. She Shares What It Is Like to Stop Working

I never thought about this. I never imagined that leaving the workplace for good is a bad thing. I thought [I still do] that would be the happiest feeling ever. That I am [finally] done. That I have graduated from the workplace. That I have finally earned my retireme...

Tammy Retired Early and Happy at 55. Her Struggles Began [Almost] the Very Next Day.

Real-life stories like this… shake me. We are enthralled by the idea of retirement. Having to kick back and relax? Brilliant. Not worrying about money? Loving it. Doing what we want as and when we please? God send. But that is our idea of retirement. Or early retire...

4 Money & Life Lessons No Bosses Talk About, But Your Retired CEO Does

Vincent, my retired CEO, is French. He struggles with English. But he speaks the cold, hard truth. And he works with his eyes open. Vincent was with IBM, Accenture, and Oracle before he started his company. 7 years in the corporate world demonstrated one truth. The odds of the employment ga...

5 Things That Surprised Me Once I Retired

There are 5 things that surprised me in retirement once the retirement party ended. Now, I may have spoken about these in the past. But I’m talking about 5 things I noticed within a month of retirement. I could probably name at least 10 or 20 things that surprised me. But since I’m tryin...

“I’m Retired With Not Enough to Do”

I’ve long been a highly productive and busy executive, and proud of what I’ve done for customers and my employees. Yes, we only made nuts and bolts, but they were of quality, fairly priced, and we delivered what we promised when we promised. And my employees’ average tenure is ten ...

Thanks To Generation X, Gen Z Will Live The Semi-Retired Life

Because they saw their Gen X parents crash and burn. Or live life on the edge of crashing and burning. Or maybe because they saw their Gen X parents buck the trend of following the American dream set largely by the baby boomers. Large swaths of Generation Z will resist traditional full-time em...

Wisdom Shared S3E2 — Retired FBI Agent Reflects On Opioid Crisis

Aaron Weeter: The majority of what I learned wasn’t learned in a book. You know, it was learned by talking to the people that actually used initially these medications and later fentanyl on the street, and that taught me more about drugs than I ever learned at the FBI Academy. Carole B...