Wisdom Shared S3E2 — Retired FBI Agent Reflects On Opioid Crisis

<p><strong>Aaron Weeter:</strong>&nbsp;The majority of what I learned wasn&rsquo;t learned in a book. You know, it was learned by talking to the people that actually used initially these medications and later fentanyl on the street, and that taught me more about drugs than I ever learned at the FBI Academy.</p> <p><strong>Carole Blueweiss:</strong>&nbsp;Welcome to Wisdom Shared, where parents, children, and others on the front lines are the experts and where connection inspires change. I am your host, Carole Blueweiss.</p> <p>What do I do when I&rsquo;m sitting in a van for five hours while on a family trip and next to me sits a former FBI agent? You guessed it. I ask a lot of questions. His name is Aaron Weeter, and the answers resonated with me. So I invited him to be my guest and share his frontline perspective.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@caroleblueweiss/wisdom-shared-s3e2-retired-fbi-agent-reflects-on-opioid-crisis-2e303860ab56"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Retired FBI