“I’m Retired With Not Enough to Do”

<p><em>I&rsquo;ve long been a highly productive and busy executive, and proud of what I&rsquo;ve done for customers and my employees. Yes, we only made nuts and bolts, but they were of quality, fairly priced, and we delivered what we promised when we promised. And my employees&rsquo; average tenure is ten years &mdash; They want to stay working for American Nut and Bolt. Alas, at age 72, I reached the mandatory retirement age and so, despite being still at the top of my game, I retired.</em></p> <p><em>For the first few months, I filled my time catching up on deferred activities, e.g., home repair, doing my will, etc. But now, it seems my choices are things I care little about: travel, lingering over coffee and, to be honest, not even my grandkids. Yeah, I&rsquo;m dutiful in being a good grandpa but for me &mdash; who prefers to focus on making a larger difference and in using my brain &mdash; all the aforementioned are far from enough.</em></p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@mnemko/im-retired-with-not-enough-to-do-46a54da47363"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Retired