Tag: Rethinking

Rethinking game audio: from sound effects to player experience

When you read my blog, you probably notice that I use the fundamental terms “sound” and “sound design” in a slightly unconventional way. It is time to explain why I do so. This is probably the most personal post on my blog, where instead of exploring how sound affects video g...

Rethinking Base/Core Classes and Modules in Android Software Development

The initial intent behind the base/core classes and modules is often rooted in the desire to prevent duplication and promote reusability. However, in the long term, if we don’t implement them with best practices, it becomes apparent that base classes and modules raise many issues. This article...

Rethinking Greetings: Why “Hi Guys” Isn’t Inclusive

As a person, a woman, working in the male-dominated field of Software Development, I sometimes find myself dealing with subtle, but persistent issues of inclusivity. One such issue that may seem harmless at a first glance is the commonly used greeting, “Hi guys.” While it may appear t...

Rethinking Testing: The Pitfalls of Reusing Concrete Test Scenarios in Autonomous Driving Systems

Automated and autonomous driving systems are ever-evolving, pushing the boundaries of what technology can achieve on the roads. However, this constant innovation and development pose significant challenges, especially when it comes to testing these systems. One of the prevailing practices in testing...

Rethinking Thanksgiving in time to face hard truths and create hope

As a white mother who is deeply concerned about the future we are creating for our children, I am both terrified by and hopeful about the complex and dangerous times we are navigating. This is the first year of my life that I will not gather with family members or friends for a Thanksgiving dinner. ...

Rethinking Perfection: A Journey Beyond White Supremacy Culture

This concept struck a profound chord with me. Reflecting on my life, I see the pervasive shadow of this perfectionism. The countless hours spent agonizing over a grade less than an ‘A’, the missed opportunities due to fear of not being ‘good enough’, and the moments I chose t...

Rethinking Ecocide and Environmental Protection: Beyond Human Rights to Ecocentric Justice

We all rely on a healthy and thriving environment for our own health, wellbeing and prosperity. Our lives depend on a delicate balance within the world’s natural ecosystems. But the biosphere is a global system. The effects of pollution, deforestation or other forms of ecocide in one country d...

Rethinking Body Temperature: 98.6 F is Not Normal

I’m miserable: I have shaking chills, sore throat, a splitting headache, and the room is spinning, so I call my physician’s office for help and to hopefully be evaluated. I speak with the gatekeeper nurse, who asks the inevitable question: What is your temperature? When I tell he...

Rethinking The Way We Consume

The many objects that surround us in our everyday lives–jacket or calculator, table or vase –are the final links in a long chain of countless decisions, which are often the trigger for dubious processes around the world. It’s a chain that is becoming harder and harder to follow for...