Rethinking Greetings: Why “Hi Guys” Isn’t Inclusive

<p>As a person, a woman, working in the male-dominated field of Software Development, I sometimes find myself dealing with subtle, but persistent issues of inclusivity. One such issue that may seem harmless at a first glance is the commonly used greeting, &ldquo;Hi guys.&rdquo;</p> <p>While it may appear to be a casual and innocuous phrase, I believe it is essential to shed light on why this expression is not as inclusive as it may seem.</p> <p><strong>The Language of Inclusivity</strong><br /> There was a time in my life when I didn&rsquo;t consciously consider non-inclusive language. I was so used to often being the sole woman in the room, that being one of the guys was the norm. Usage of language or certain behavior was, and still is, deeply ingrained in the structure that I am part of. Over the years, my awareness and perspectives of the true meaning of inclusivity have evolved.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>