Tag: Responsibility

Taking Responsibility: The Key to Success

Are you stuck at work on a project, waiting for someone else to step up and take charge? Are you in a tense work relationship and expecting the other side would take responsibility and settle the problem? Maybe you’re looking for a quick cure to improve your attention and productivity, or an u...

It’s All About Choice — Oh and Men Taking Responsibility for Their Actions

I sometimes wonder if I am the product of marital rape. You see, I was born in the early 80s, my parent's relationship was already hostile, and in Scotland at that time, it wasn’t until a court ruling in 1989 that rape within the confines of marriage was recognised as a crime....

Self-Driving Cars & Responsibility Gaps

Usually, when we are looking for the responsible person, we don’t do it because we want to thank them. Questions about responsibility more often than not have a negative connotation. When someone gets hurt and we ask who is responsible, really, we look for somebody to blame and possibly pun...

Digital Is More Than a Department, It Is a Collective Responsibility

As the digital demands of both external users and internal colleagues continue to grow, digital departments are trapped in an institutional tension: should institutions scale their departments to meet that ever-growing need, or should digital responsibilities be cultivated and distributed across the...