Tag: Resilient

5 Things Emotionally Resilient People Don’t Do

We all experience painful emotions: From anxiety and grief to shame and resentment, emotional suffering is universal and unavoidable. And yet, how we respond to emotional suffering varies dramatically from person to person. As a psychologist, I’ve seen first-hand how for many people, emo...

3 Habits of Highly Resilient People

For most of us, the idea of resilience conjures up stories of profound heroism in the face of grave injustice — Viktor Frankl surviving the concentration camps or Rosa Parks sitting wherever she damn well pleased. But resilience isn’t always epic. Sometimes it’s quite ...

We Are More Resilient Than We Realise

How many times in life have you found yourself wondering how you would ever get through something that was extremely difficult? When we’re in the middle of these situations, it can seem like we’ll never find our way out of them. Sometimes a situation can be so consuming and pervasive ...

Fostering Employee Resilience: Navigating Challenges and Cultivating a Resilient Workforce

Resilience, a term often associated with unwavering toughness and perseverance, goes beyond mere endurance. In both personal and professional realms, resilience signifies the ability to rebound from adversity, demonstrating the capacity to not only survive but thrive amidst difficult circumstances. ...

Resilient Containers for Humans: ECS Workloads with AWS Resilience Hub

As Werner Vogels, CTO of AWS, famously said: “Everything fails, all the time.” This holds true for any type of system, including those hosted on the cloud. As more companies move their workloads to AWS, ensuring high availability and resiliency becomes more important than ever....

How do we build a climate resilient city?

Cranes and more cranes. It would be good to think they are all building homes given that the city is in a long-term housing crisis, but a lot of them are completing new office complexes, although the city has lots of new, empty, glass tower blocks. Just take a look at Smithfield where the rectang...

Empowerment in Every Step: A Father’s Guide to Raising a Resilient Bi-Racial Daughter

Learning disabilities in children often come with a myriad of challenges. When my daughter was diagnosed, I plunged into a world where patience became my best ally. Understanding her needs was crucial — how she learns differently and how epilepsy interplays with her cognitive abilities. It&rsq...


Aries (March 21 — April 19): Navigate the winds of change, Aries. Today heralds shifts in your professional landscape. Embrace challenges with enthusiasm; they lead to growth. In relationships, communicate openly to strengthen bonds. Trust your instincts; they guide you through uncertaint...

Black Lives Matter: A Resilient Movement Against Injustice

In recent years, the phrase “Black Lives Matter” has echoed across the globe, sparking a powerful movement against systemic racism and injustice. In just two minutes, let’s explore the challenges faced by the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement and its unwavering resilience. Origi...