5 Things Emotionally Resilient People Don’t Do

<p>We all experience painful emotions: From anxiety and grief to shame and resentment, emotional suffering is universal and unavoidable.</p> <p>And yet, how we respond to emotional suffering varies dramatically from person to person.</p> <p>As a psychologist, I&rsquo;ve seen first-hand how for many people, emotional pain triggers a cascade of negative thoughts, self-defeating behavior, and increasingly painful emotions. While others seem to bounce back almost immediately from emotional pain.</p> <p>The difference is this:</p> <blockquote> <p><strong>Emotional resilient people experience emotional pain without being consumed by it.</strong></p> </blockquote> <p>And while the ability to bounce back from difficult experiences can seem like a superpower, it&rsquo;s not quite as mysterious as it looks.</p> <p>It turns out, emotionally resilient people tend to avoid certain habits that extend and intensify emotional suffering. If you can learn to drop these bad habits, you&rsquo;ll find that you&rsquo;re far more emotionally resilient than you imagined.</p> <p><a href="https://nickwignall.medium.com/5-things-emotionally-resilient-people-dont-do-ae5b72b7c093">Read More</a></p>