Resilient Containers for Humans: ECS Workloads with AWS Resilience Hub

<p>As Werner Vogels, CTO of AWS, famously said:&nbsp;<strong>&ldquo;Everything fails, all the time.&rdquo;</strong>&nbsp;This holds true for any type of system, including those hosted on the cloud. As more companies move their workloads to AWS, ensuring high availability and resiliency becomes more important than ever.</p> <p>However, building resilient ECS workloads that can withstand failures and maintain high availability can be particularly challenging due to the complexity of container orchestration and the many possible configurations that can be used to deploy containers.</p> <p>Most software teams aren&rsquo;t experts in resiliency, which requires specialized knowledge and experience. That&rsquo;s where AWS Resilience Hub comes in &mdash; a service that simplifies the process of managing the resilience of your AWS applications. By analyzing your infrastructure, it provides recommendations for improving resilience and minimizing downtime.</p> <p>In this blog post, I&rsquo;ll demonstrate how to deploy resilient ECS workloads using AWS CDK and then show you how to monitor and improve their resilience using AWS Resilience Hub. Let&rsquo;s get started!</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>