Tag: Republicans

Canada’s Conservatives Have Become the New MAGA Republicans

The genesis of this article was a comment that was left for me on one of my social media posts. It was a throwaway post of mine on the Bluesky app, cross-posted to Instagram: an observational riff at the expense of the then-upcoming Conservative Party of Canada policy convention in Québec Cit...

How Republicans Lost The War

Donald Trump’s hostile takeover of the Republican Party is complete. It is no longer a functioning political party, but merely the political wing of a fanatical cult with the single purpose of doing the Dear Leader’s bidding. There is no option for fielding an alternative candidate becau...

We Should All Become Republicans

There are times when your country demands a sacrifice so great, it will shape the rest of your life. Sometimes, it’s war. Sometimes, it’s jury duty. But now your country is asking you to do something much more horrifying. You need to register as a Republican. Even if you’ve v...

Republicans Fear America Will Become Communist — Really?

The two Republican front runners for their party’s Presidential Candidate fear that communists could take over America if the Republicans don’t win in 2024. In a speech after his indictment for mishandling classified documents, Donald Trump said, “At the end of the day...

In America, It’s Good to Be a Gun

According to Texas Republicans, the overwhelming presence of guns isn’t the reason why the United States leads the developed world in gun deaths. Any and every possible explanation will be put forth by Republicans except acknowledging the smoking gun in the room responsible for over&...

House Republicans Made the Biggest Political Blunder in a Generation

House Republicans made a huge unforced error this Congress, perhaps bigger than any miscalculation since they impeached Bill Clinton. The Clinton impeachment ordeal created the political climate that resulted in the first sitting president to gain house seats in their 2nd midterm election in decades...

OPINION: Republicans Killing the Border Deal is Nothing New

During a closed-door meeting last Tuesday, Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) informed House Republicans that the Senate’s bipartisan immigration deal had no viable path forward, dealing a significant blow to a crucial national security package designed to release essential aid to Ukraine. House Rep...

Can Republicans Govern by Stunt Alone?

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ most recent little stunt didn’t work out very well for him — or did it? DeSantis recently arranged for 50 Venezuelan migrants to be flown from Florida to Martha’s Vineyard, of all places. The migrants were misled about where they were ...

Republicans, Pick a Side!

Republicans, it is time to pick a side. Party members have split between the “Trump Republicans” and the “Free Republicans.” Let’s just face it and complete the divorce. In the early history of the United States political parties were created, changed their philosoph...