Can Republicans Govern by Stunt Alone?

<p>Florida Governor Ron DeSantis&rsquo; most recent little stunt didn&rsquo;t work out very well for him &mdash; or did it? DeSantis&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">recently arranged</a>&nbsp;for 50 Venezuelan migrants to be flown from Florida to Martha&rsquo;s Vineyard, of all places. The migrants were misled about where they were going and this relocation made it near-impossible for them to get to their asylum hearings in far-flung parts of the country. DeSantis apparently wanted to make a point by dumping Florida&rsquo;s unwanted migrants on the doorstep of some rich liberals.</p> <p>DeSantis&rsquo; stunt was ethically bad, of course. He treated real human beings with deep disdain, making it clear that he didn&rsquo;t see them as worthy of even the most basic respect. These people &mdash; fleeing dictatorship and economic disaster &mdash; were nothing more than props to help him stir up anti-immigrant sentiment and get some more spots on Fox News. DeSantis may have even committed a crime &mdash; taking people and forcibly relocating them against their will under false pretenses sounds an awful lot like kidnapping.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>