Tag: Repository

Practical DDD in TypeScript: Repository

There are not many segments of software development that scare me, except integrations with other systems. Writing code for some business logic today looks easy with Domain-Driven Design. However, writing code on the Infrastructure Layer to integrate some external system like 3rd party API, cachi...

Repository Pattern is INSANE if you know how to use it properly — Python

This is a complete and practical guide with full project code about Repository Pattern. Even if the code in this is written in Python, these ideas are general programming concepts and design patterns that can be implemented in almost t...

Deploying a Lambda Function from the AWS Serverless Application Repository

The AWS Serverless Application Repository is a useful resource that contains pre-built configurable applications for some common tasks/usage patterns to make our lives a bit easier. In this example I needed to use the Athena Dynamo DB Connector that adds support to Athena for querying and ...

Install ArgoCD on the EKS cluster and configure sync with the GitHub manifest repository.

This blog post will explore the synchronization process between the Kubernetes manifest repository and ArgoCD. By setting up this synchronization, ArgoCD can automatically detect changes in the Kubernetes manifest file. Upon detection, it pulls the updated files from the repository and applies them ...

Repository Vs Depository — Do They Mean Different Things?

Repository comes from the 15th century French word repositoire meaning ‘placed back.’ (I always think 'repose,’ as in something resting in storage) Repository is a more common word than depository - generally because it’s 200 years older - and it means a pl...