Repository Pattern is INSANE if you know how to use it properly — Python

<p>This is&nbsp;<strong>a complete</strong>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<strong>practical</strong>&nbsp;guide with full project code about&nbsp;<strong>Repository Pattern.&nbsp;</strong>Even if<strong>&nbsp;</strong>the code in this<strong>&nbsp;</strong>is&nbsp;<strong>written in Python</strong>, these ideas are&nbsp;<strong>general&nbsp;</strong>programming concepts and design patterns that can be implemented in&nbsp;<strong>almost</strong>&nbsp;the same way in&nbsp;<strong>any</strong>&nbsp;OO Language like&nbsp;<strong>C++, Java</strong>, etc. This is a Zero-To-Hero guide where we will learn&nbsp;<strong>everything</strong>&nbsp;about the&nbsp;<strong>Repository Pattern&nbsp;</strong>including&nbsp;<strong>advanced</strong>&nbsp;stuff and other Design Patterns.&nbsp;<em>Enjoy reading!</em></p> <h2>{ This guide was written without any assistance from any AI Tools }</h2> <p>The main idea of this pattern is to&nbsp;<strong>abstract</strong>&nbsp;the underlying data persistence code. This is great because&nbsp;<strong>it allows</strong>&nbsp;easier testing and maintenance. Besides that it provides a nice interface with, most commonly,&nbsp;<strong>5 methods</strong>&nbsp;that can do&nbsp;<strong>anything</strong>&nbsp;you need.</p> <h1>Practical Demonstration</h1> <p>I will show you what i mean&nbsp;<strong>in practice</strong>. If you don&rsquo;t understand something,&nbsp;<strong>keep reading</strong>, i will explain&nbsp;<strong>everything</strong>&nbsp;you need to know in this guide. I will also show you some&nbsp;<strong>awesome</strong>&nbsp;ideas of how you can combine this pattern with other patterns to create a nice&nbsp;<em>data persistence system</em>.</p> <h2>Creating the Structure + Interface</h2> <p>For this demonstration, we will create a&nbsp;<strong>repository</strong>&nbsp;of Books objects. First of all, we will create the&nbsp;<strong>project structure</strong>, the book object and the interface of our repository.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>