Tag: Questions

How to Plan and Run Effective Meetings (In 7 Questions)

What is the one thing that wastes most of your time at work? You might have said ‘emails’, you might even have said ‘that annoying colleague who always hangs around my desk’, but most likely you will have said ‘meetings’. That is because most employees face ...

My Asparagus Has Questions for Your North Star

One of the strengths and joys of my being a part of the competency-based education rebellion is witnessing the language of our work unfold in new ways. This is true in any rebellion. It’s never enough to explain. It’s never enough to be right. Our words need to teach and inspire. We need...

24 Powerful Questions and Reflections To Help Define Our Executive Presence and Leadership Skills

Many people come to me looking for advice on how to position and pitch themselves to transition into Executive and Leadership roles. They all have strong technical skill sets and experience. But sometimes, when asked questions by an interviewer to determine their leadership style and executive prese...

The 4 questions you should stop asking during your one-on-one meetings

Looking at the clock. Staring into the distance. Short, nondescript answers. A CEO recently told me how he’d frequently see this body language from an employee during their one-on-one meetings. Flat. Disinterested. Preoccupied. It felt lousy to witness, but it’d always been this ...

Top 10 Questions Managers are asking during 1:1 Meetings

I love 1:1 meetings. It’s a chance to swap feedback and make sure our company is working. It’s also one of the reasons we built SoapBox bot — a bot to help people have productive 1:1 and team meetings. The reaction has been overwhelming: Managers from over 500 of the best...

Answers to the level design questions you’ve always wanted to ask

In the last article in our series for level designers, we look at common questions that didn’t fit elsewhere: on career, best level designs, the boundaries of level design, 2D vs. 3D, playtesting, career tips, and much, much more. Hi! My name is Vasiliy Skobelev, and I’m a Lead Le...

5 Existential Questions for the Vision Pro (to save humanity)

Most people have written the Vision Pro off as another gadget for the ultra-wealthy given its price tag of $3,500, but Apple has much grander ambitions. In 5 years it will be as ubiquitous as the iPhone at a fraction of the price. (Remember Tesla’s approach with the Roadster?) It&rsquo...

5 Existential Questions for the Vision Pro (to save humanity)

Most people have written the Vision Pro off as another gadget for the ultra-wealthy given its price tag of $3,500, but Apple has much grander ambitions. In 5 years it will be as ubiquitous as the iPhone at a fraction of the price. (Remember Tesla’s approach with the Roadster?) It&rsquo...

Top 20 Technical Questions I Ask in All AWS Solutions Architect Interviews — Detailed Answers Included

Assomeone who has conducted over a hundred interviews for AWS Solution Architect roles, with over 80 of them during my tenure at AWS itself, I know firsthand the challenges and expectations that come with this role. If you’re aiming to excel in AWS Solution Architect interviews, you need more ...

Terraform Interview Questions You Must Be Able to Answer Questions

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) has become a critical component of efficient and scalable infrastructure management. Terraform, a popular open-source tool from HashiCorp, enables teams to embrace IaC principles and automate infrastructure provisioning across various cloud platforms. Today we will ...

Terraform Interview Questions

Q1: Suppose you created an ec2 instance with terraform and after creation, you have removed the entry from the state file now, when you run terraform apply what will happen? As we have removed the entry from that state file so terraform will no longer manage that resource so on the next apply ...

Asking Questions With The Zapatistas

Theodore Karyotis, Ioanna-Maria Maravelidi, and Yavor Tarinski. Asking Questions with the Zapatistas: Reflections from Greece on Our Civilizational Impasse. Athens, Greece: Transnational Institute for Social Ecology (TRISE), 2022. Mexican culture is distinguished by an annual holiday: &...

Five Questions with CIP

Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners P/S, or CIP, is a fund management company with a mission — and a very Danish one at that. With four funds, focuses in Europe, North America and East Asia, and around €6.8 billion under management, the company is firmly rooted in sustainability and renewa...

21 Questions from Aussie Startups: Highs, lows & lessons learned during Canva’s journey so far [Part 1]

I was blown away by the breadth and depth of the questions everyone asked and how well-rounded they were. There were so many great questions, that I’m sure there’s a number of blog posts to be written! I’ve kicked things off in this post. Hopefully one of the lessons we learnt t...

Ask The Big Questions

The idea for this post sat in my drafts for 16 months because I feared coming off as someone who doesn’t understand the value of measurement or impact. On the contrary: throughout my 20s, I worked in no fewer than 15 labs — ranging in psychology from the social/emotional (“quantify...

The top 15 questions to ask your realtor when buying your first home

It’s a familiar story that usually goes something like this: You’re excited to finally own your own home. You do all the research — scouring the internet to look at houses, mortgages, and even new furniture. But, when it comes time to house hunt, you’re completely ov...

Jesus Didn’t Come to Give Answers — He Came to Ask Questions.

Growing up in the evangelical Church, I was taught that Jesus provided the answers to all of life’s questions. But, it turns out that Jesus provided hardly any answers. In fact, in the Bible, Jesus only answered 3 of the 183 questions others asked him. If you were looking for answers, Je...

Tackling the 10 Toughest Divorce Questions

Divorce. The D-word. It’s like the unwelcome guest that just won’t leave your party. But hey, I’ve been there, done that, and got the emotional scars to prove it. So, let’s dive into the ten toughest questions about divorce, and I’ll sprinkle some personal wisdom along ...

What Questions to Ask an Astrologer: A Comprehensive Guide

Astrology has been a topic of fascination for centuries, with people seeking guidance and insights into their lives by consulting with astrologers. However, with so many astrologers offering their services, it can be overwhelming to know what questions to ask to get the most out of the experience. I...

What are you? Part 3: Questions Arise

Inevitably, this is where questions in my story start to arise. Not for everyone…but there are definitely those who want to ask…even need those who need to jump ahead to the rest of the story. Angel. Angel! The Black House? So you’re a Black woman, right? Is that what you found o...

The biggest questions about the Universe’s beginning

Imagine what it must have been like, as it was for so long throughout human history and prehistory, to look up at the wonders of the night sky in ignorance: not knowing what you were seeing or where any of it came from. All you could behold with your eyes were those glittering points of light in the...

The biggest questions about the Universe’s beginning

Imagine what it must have been like, as it was for so long throughout human history and prehistory, to look up at the wonders of the night sky in ignorance: not knowing what you were seeing or where any of it came from. All you could behold with your eyes were those glittering points of light in the...

Top Important Probability Interview Questions & Answers for Data Scientists [Conceptual Questions]

Probability theory is essential for data scientists, helping them make sense of data and draw meaningful insights. This article simplifies complex probability concepts commonly asked in data science interviews. Starting with the basics, it explains why probability matters in data science and cove...

On Patrick’s Day, My Daughter Asks Too Many Questions

Yesterday, I picked up corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, and fresh baking soda for soda bread. According to my Ancestry results, and my husband’s crystal clear lineage, we are a household heartily 50% Irish (if not slightly more). Saint Patrick’s Day means food, drink, and green all aro...

Birthday Questions

He enjoyed having a moment together to reflect on the past year and look forward to the next. We tend to rush through life and we don’t always allow ourselves to celebrate our wins, especially the small ones. And when we look forward, we tend to think in 5-year cycles. I purposefully made t...

Your Weight Loss Questions for Success!!

Imagine stepping on the scale. The number stares back, a harsh reflection of months (or maybe even years) of struggle. Discouragement washes over you. “Why can’t I lose this weight?” you groan. But what if that question, while understandable, is actually setting you ...