Tag: protests

The effects of protests on businesses in Mexico City

Mexico City is divided into 16 boroughs, of which the population is greater than 8.85 million people. The greater metropolitan area of Mexico City sees the population climb to over 21 million people. While the city generates a large percentage of the Mexican GDP, the city and the country still see l...

Missile attacks, Falafel, Protests and being a secular Jew…Life in Israel as Jew-ish girl from the Diaspora (1st month)

The Jews celebrate Shabbat (day of rest) on Fridays from Sundown until Saturdays Sundown, meaning that our weekends here are from Fridays — Saturdays. It was kind of strange working on Sunday the first time, it felt somewhat wrong seeing no one online on Slack throughout the day. I usually wor...

This is How You Find Protests In Your City

In the Events tab, search “protest”, “march for”, “car caravan”, “write-in”. It will show you events nearest you first. Once you follow a few events of this type by saying “interested” or “going”, the algorithm will start sugges...

Chants from protests for gun control in front of the NRA convention and elsewhere, May 2022 onwards

On May 27, 2022, a large protest for gun control, estimated to be about 4,000 people, was held in Houston, in a park opposite the center where the NRA was holding its convention. The protest was held in the wake of the tragedy at Uvalde, just three days prior and only 300 miles away, in which 19 chi...

China Protests US Treatment of Students at Entry Points

There are currently around 290,000 Chinese students studying in the U.S., making up approximately one-third of all foreign students in the country. China has the highest number of students studying abroad with over 1.3 million. The Chinese Embassy has made formal representations to the U.S. governme...

When Your Protests are Just a Walk in the Park

The hallmark of White Empire-led protests is they’re always laughably Ineffectual — one weekend there’s a rally outside the local park, or a walk Down the high street, holding a placard Now reports suggest the true cost of the West’s ‘development’ Is ecocide,...