Missile attacks, Falafel, Protests and being a secular Jew…Life in Israel as Jew-ish girl from the Diaspora (1st month)

<p>The Jews celebrate Shabbat (day of rest) on Fridays from Sundown until Saturdays Sundown, meaning that our weekends here are from Fridays &mdash; Saturdays. It was kind of strange working on Sunday the first time, it felt somewhat wrong seeing no one online on Slack throughout the day. I usually work at home or in the co-working space nearby and it is still strange to me to see the whole place full of workers on Sundays. Nonetheless, I really enjoy those days because I can be in full focus-mode and have no interruptions from my co-workers in Europe. Tel Aviv is known to be the centre for tech here in Israel and everyone is either working in a startup or working in technology &mdash; or both! On Saturdays shops and restaurants are closed, except for a few non-kosher places. If its sunny, usually its the days that I would go to the beach or walk around with friends.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@zoe.geidelberg/life-in-israel-a-jew-ish-girl-from-the-diaspora-living-in-tel-aviv-1st-month-9779c9b8f78e"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>