Tag: Progressive

A True Conservative Christian is Progressive at Heart

If you want to kill a friendship before it even starts, then introduce yourself as a conservative Christian. This is bound to send most people into a hasty retreat unless they, themselves, also happen to be a conservative Christian. In that case, there will probably be much back-slapping, ‘me-...

“Leading the Way: DMCC and ADGM’s Commitment to Progressive Labor Initiatives”

Dubai has become one of the most popular business hubs in the world, attracting investors and entrepreneurs from across the globe. The Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC) and Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) are two of the leading free zones in the UAE, which have played a crucial role in facilitati...

“Leading the Way: DMCC and ADGM’s Commitment to Progressive Labor Initiatives”

Dubai has become one of the most popular business hubs in the world, attracting investors and entrepreneurs from across the globe. The Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC) and Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) are two of the leading free zones in the UAE, which have played a crucial role in facilitati...


Rome would be our first night on our anniversary trip to (in chronological, not geographic, order) Lazio, Campania, and Umbria. On our visit 18 months ago, the entrance to HOTEL MONTE CENCI was in a small courtyard. Charming, yes. Stress inducing, yes. Access was via several narrow, one-way stree...

Progressive Cities Aren’t Living Up To Their Values

Progressive cities have been telling themselves a myth for (at least) the last 20 years. Conjuring an identity based on virtue, and strengthened by a sort of moral superiority that looks down its nose at every other part of the country, large, prosperous, and blue cities have come to believe that th...

Progressive Catholics, Please Explain Yourselves

Now, other than being a San Francisco resident I have basically nothing in common with either of these people, and even if Pelosi were excommunicated from her church I couldn’t care less. I’ve never been affiliated with any denomination of Christianity, and have been an atheist since the...

Progressive Christians are a “Threat” to the Church — Anglican Deacon

Robinson is calling progressive Christians like me tools of Satan. He is accusing our theology of being twisted truth “that sounds compassionate, sounds empathetic” but isn’t true. I cannot speak for all progressive Christians, but I base my doctrine on Scripture, on the Holy Bi...

Confessions of a Progressive Gun Nut

Over the course of my years-long engagement with smart people on all sides of America’s gun debate — from coffee shops in San Francisco to private suites off the floor of the gun industry’s annual Las Vegas trade show — I’ve come to believe that there are really only tw...