Tag: Programmers

Where Do Old Programmers Go?

Have you noticed at your place there are few coders over the age of 40? That’s not even old, in the real world So where are they going? Probably dead Read on, as that pithy comment is (mostly) wrong. Old programmers are around but perhaps not in the places you wou...

Programmers need to learn how to invest in knowledge

Ah, Franklin, that guy always spoke profound truths. Uh, can we really become great programmers by simply waking up early and going to bed early? Early birds might catch the worms, but what happens to the early worms? However, that opening statement by Franklin really hit the mark — knowled...

Why We Are Stuck With So Many Incompetent Programmers

I entered the software industry about 2 decades ago. I was an engineering graduate, but I didn’t have a computer degree. It was OK, not only because I knew the basics of software making (I was an Electronics engineer), but also because my country was witnessing an unprecedented boom in soft...

Where Do Old Programmers Go?

Read on, as that pithy comment is (mostly) wrong. Old programmers are around but perhaps not in the places you would expect them to be. New Blood, Old Blood. Laying the groundwork for an industry unfriendly to experience Some of the problems around older coders are mirrored with entr...

What is good/bad code? An illustrated example for non-programmers

I once read a quote somewhere that basically had the following content: “The lives of many people in the modern world depend on software, such as that which controls flight systems in large commercial airliners, and yet the field of software development is mostly unregulated. Anybody can ...

Rust for Python Programmers #3 — Numeric Types!

Welcome back, intrepid learners! In this exciting part of our Rust journey for Python programmers, we’re diving deep into numeric types. We’ll explore the available types, operations, and conversions in both Python and Rust, shedding light on Rust’s unique concepts along the way. ...

Why Programmers Sometimes Decline a Job Offer from a Company

In companies that are recruiting for IT engineers, I think there are many people in charge of recruiting who are worried that “Even after interviewing, applicants decline the job, making it difficult to hire them.’’ This time, I will talk about what it means to be “bad at ...

Why Experienced Programmers Fail Coding Interviews

A friend of mine recently joined a FAANG company as an engineering manager, and found themselves in the position of recruiting for engineering candidates. We caught up. “Well,” I laughed when they inquired about the possibility of me joining the team, “I’m not sure I&rs...

Why Human Programmers Hate Testing But AIs Love It

In my opinion, the best use for AI-powered programming tools like GitHub Copilot is writing automated software tests. Today, we’ll explore why AI should handle unit & end-to-end (e2e) testing, so developers can focus on crafting accessible, stunning user experiences. First, we’...

Straight Line Thinkers: The Reality Behind 10x Programmers

Recently, I have watched a video of Dave Farley talking about that coding is, in fact, design. In the 20-minute video, there was one concept that shocked me: the straight line thinker programmer. That wording, although previously unknown to me, uncovered something that was already familiar...

Why We Are Stuck With So Many Incompetent Programmers

I entered the software industry about 2 decades ago. I was an engineering graduate, but I didn’t have a computer degree. It was OK, not only because I knew the basics of software making (I was an Electronics engineer), but also because my country was witnessing an unprecedented boom in soft...