Programmers need to learn how to invest in knowledge

<p>Ah, Franklin, that guy always spoke profound truths. Uh, can we really become great programmers by simply waking up early and going to bed early? Early birds might catch the worms, but what happens to the early worms?</p> <p>However, that opening statement by Franklin really hit the mark &mdash; knowledge and experience indeed are your most valuable professional assets.</p> <p>Unfortunately, they are perishable assets. With the emergence of new technologies and the development of languages and environments, your knowledge can become outdated. The ever-changing market forces might render your experience obsolete and irrelevant. Given the accelerating pace of technological and societal change, this can happen particularly swiftly.</p> <p>As the value of your knowledge diminishes, so does your value to the company or clients. We want to prevent all of this from happening.</p> <p>The ability to learn new things is your most crucial strategic asset. But how to gain the learning method and know what to learn?</p> <p>Knowledge Portfolio.</p> <p>We can regard everything programmers know about computational processes, the domains in which their work applies, and all their experience as their knowledge portfolio. Managing a knowledge portfolio is very similar to managing a financial investment portfolio:</p> <p>1、Regular investors have the habit of investing regularly.</p> <p>2、Diversification is key to long-term success.</p> <p>3、Smart investors balance conservative and high-risk, high-return investments in their portfolio.</p> <p>4、Investors buy low and sell high for maximum returns.</p> <p>5、Periodic review and rebalancing of the investment portfolio are necessary.</p> <p>To be successful in your career, you must manage your knowledge portfolio with the same guiding principles.</p> <p>The good news is that managing this type of investment is a skill just like any other &mdash; it can be learned. The trick is to start doing this from the beginning and make it a habit. Develop a routine that you can follow and stick to until it becomes second nature. Once you reach this point, you&rsquo;ll find that you automatically absorb new knowledge.</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>