Tag: Problematic

Why ‘I’m Not Racist But’ Is A Problematic Statement…

I could hear you in the kitchen yesterday, talking to the man plastering our kitchen, and I heard you telling him that you don’t ‘get’ pronouns. That you get ‘she’ and ‘her’ and ‘he’ and ‘him’- ‘actual’ genders, but that y...

‘Seventh Heaven’ Was Just 11 Seasons Of Toxic, Problematic Messaging

Well goodbye to the last of my childhood… Full House is cheesier than I remember, and Saved By The Bell is a questionable romp into entitled teens. But who knew the worst show of all was Seventh Heaven? I didn’t. “When I see their happy faces, smilin...

The Problematic Commodification of Trap Music: A Musical Analysis

Art is a unique and necessary medium in our society. It allows us to convey complex ideas & attitudes and allows viewers to reflect on the state & subconsciousness of ourselves and our societies. Art has also served, historically, as one of the primary outlets of expression and resistance fo...

Why The Term ‘Fashion Design’ is Problematic

Design is planned, organized, systems and society-oriented creative work aimed at achieving technical finesse in products, innovation, improvement, facilitation, integration and problem-solving; keeping the human experience at the heart of all ideations. Fashion on the other hand, takes an irreveren...