Tag: private

How to use golang private modules with docker

In this article we are going to cover how we can setup a private go module and then reuse our module in a different application using docker. Firstly let’s quickly go over what exactly a private module is in golang and touch on the spotty history of private modules. Firstly let’s define ...

Terraform — Using Private Git Repo As Module Source and Run through pipeline

Use Case Explanation: If your organization has placed the Terraform generic modules in a different(centralised) private repository, and you want to refer those private repository module in your terraform code then follow this article. In this article, we will see, how you can refer the Terra...

Setup ssh key with git/github: Clone private repo using ssh

f you already have a rsa key pair, skip this step and use the same keys. Otherwise, use below command to generate a new public-private key pair. Works on windows, mac and linux. Replace [email protected] with your github email id. ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "yourema...

My Own Private Ulysses: The Rottenest Roommates in Dublin

“Haines! Which of us did not feel his flesh creep!…Surprise, horror, loathing were depicted on all faces while he eyed them with a ghostly grin.” - Ulysses, James Joyce What kind of panting maniac would name a “Joycean Heritage Pub” after these two rat bastards? Co...

Exploring the Bosporus on a Budget like A Local: How to Enjoy the Scenery and Culture without a Private Cruise”

During the ferry ride, you’ll get to enjoy breathtaking views of Ottoman houses and palaces as you cruise all the way up the Bosporus. The ferry will make its last stop at Anadolu Kavağı around 12:30, where you can disembark and explore the charming fishing village. Make sure to try some ...

For Your Consideration: A Municipal Policy to Reclassify (and Tax) Backyards as “Private Parks”

People who live in large cities tend to live in high-rises. Density, after all, necessitates building vertically, not horizontally, yet municipal policies seem to endlessly favour those who own a piece of soil and enjoy the privileges of life on the ground. My strolls through Toronto during the C...

The mobilisation or private wealth is vital to attain the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals

Only 15% of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are currently on target. Progress on half of The Goals is either “moderately” or “severely” behind, and as many as 30% of The Goals have regressed behind where they were when conceived in 2015. But it is not...

Tokenization in Private Equity: Broadening Markets with Sologenic

Recent research underscores the growing interest in tokenizing private equity and hedge fund assets. A survey of fund managers across several European countries, responsible for managing approximately $546.5 billion in assets, found that 73% see private equity assets as the most likely to under...

Public private peril

Prasarana was formed from the ashes of transport operators that had to be rescued by government subsidies and subsequently bought out, as car ownership and car use was made more accessible by the industrial policies of Mahathir’s government, reducing use of public transport. Much lik...

America’s Private Parties, Public Elections: Reforming the Role of Political Parties

As a former DNC member and State Party Chair, I’ve seen firsthand the complexities of political party governance. As we approach the 2024 election, the control over the Democratic and Republican parties could decide the presidency and Congress. Yet these powerful organizations remain private e...

When “Life Hacking” Is Really White Privilege

I’d been waiting awhile, and was thinking about something I’d read: that in Europe, public services are for the public — meaning everyone — whereas in the US, public services are for those who can’t afford a private alternative. Hence the wait. I looked around and no...

February Is White History Month

I know scores of black people who abhor February. It is not just the cheap brothers who don’t want to buy their girlfriend roses and take her to a mediocre restaurant that increases prices just in the name of capitalism. It is not the sisters who cannot find anyone decent to be their Valentine...

My own private Amazon

As an environmental scientist working at an Australian university, I’m scarred by the thousands of cuts inflicted upon the natural world and those institutions and individuals entrusted to monitor its wellbeing. A colleague quipped that being a biologist in the 21st century was like being a cu...

NHS Vs Private Health — What a Contrast!

Let’s look at my experience with the NHS… I requested an MRI scan last October. I could barely walk at times and was in decline. I’d started some physio exercises from a book, but the benefits hadn’t kicked in yet, and I was in a lot of pain. I couldn’t get a doctor...

3 Reasons Why NASA’s Private Sector Space Partnership Matters (Part 1)

While NASA provided important oversight, guidance, and assistance for the mission, it was a private company that stuck the landing — well, almost. Unfortunately, the spacecraft had a major technical glitch with the computer software. This caused it to land sideways, thus cutting the mission...

How a Private Spacecraft’s Sideways Touchdown is Rewriting History

Imagine this: A private spacecraft, the Nova-C lander, also known as “Odysseus,” has just made history by gracefully touching down on the moon’s surface. But here’s the twist — it landed sideways. Yes, you heard that right. In an event that feels like it’s straigh...