Tag: Principles

24 Leadership Principles From The Greatest Business, Military, Political, and Sports Leaders

People think that leadership is something that just happens. One is anointed a leader. One is promoted to leadership. One is born into leadership. And of course, this is not the case. “Leadership,” Eisenhower said, “is the art of getting someone else to do something that you wan...

Love Is a Choice: 5 Stoic Principles I Use to Recover from a Breakup

I didn’t expect her to break up with me. Especially not via a What’s App message. I didn’t understand it at first, but she was serious. I tried to make sense of her accusations by analyzing them. During the five days that followed, my science brain couldn’t rest. I s...

24 Leadership Principles From The Greatest Business, Military, Political, and Sports Leaders

People think that leadership is something that just happens. One is anointed a leader. One is promoted to leadership. One is born into leadership. And of course, this is not the case. “Leadership,” Eisenhower said, “is the art of getting someone else to do something that you wan...

9 Principles for mastering time management

Time is a precious resource that we all have in equal measure. However, how we manage our time can significantly impact our productivity and overall quality of life. In this article, we will explore various principles and laws of time management that can help us make the most of our time. ...

The Core Principles of Effective Leadership: Coaching, Self-Awareness, and Reflection

Any leader’s key focus must be on what makes teams effective. Your leadership needs to do to enable this. A great starting point is, to be honest with yourself; easy, eh? We all remember the feeling of dread immediately after the thrill of a promotion. Your life as a leader sucks; you&rsq...

Want to be a Leader? Here are Four Top Leadership Principles for Not Just Work, but Everyday Life

Have you aspired to consistently motivate and better yourself? Do you see yourself more as a leader than a follower? Or if you and/or your peers don’t see yourself as a leader but you want them to, what are you going to do? Like earning the greatest things in life, becoming a leader is not ...

19 principles and life lessons I’ve gathered throughout my career

If you are a born leader, you’ll find yourself spending increasing amounts of time in discussions helping people make decisions. At a small scale, you can do this by just adding meetings to your calendar or more emails in your inbox. But inevitably, you will reach your maximum capacity. The...

The 10 Principles at Nike

1. Our business is change 2. We’re on offense. All the time. 3. Perfect results count — not a perfect process. Break the rules: fight the law. 4. This is as much about battle as about business. 5. Assume nothing. Make sure people keep their promises. Push yourse...

Designing community icons using UX Gestalt principles

What is community as a concept? Community is in essence a feeling of fellowship with others, a combination of sharing common attitudes, closeness of interests, and similarity of goals. We can also refer to community as a social group, a collective of friends, or a neighborhood. There are many ...

Game Design Principles: Creating Immersive Experiences

Game design is the art and science of creating interactive experiences that engage and entertain the players. Game design involves various aspects, such as gameplay, mechanics, systems, goals, story, aesthetics, etc. However, one of the most important aspects of game design is immersion, which is th...

SOLID Principles in Flutter: Crafting Robust Apps

If you’re here, you’re likely on a quest to elevate your Flutter development skills. Today, we’ll venture into a topic that, while not exclusive to Flutter, can revolutionise how you structure your apps: the SOLID principles. Let’s unwrap this treasure chest of best practi...

SOLID Principles in Flutter: Crafting Robust Apps

If you’re here, you’re likely on a quest to elevate your Flutter development skills. Today, we’ll venture into a topic that, while not exclusive to Flutter, can revolutionise how you structure your apps: the SOLID principles. Let’s unwrap this treasure chest of best practi...

To Create a Regenerative Future, We Must Find the First Principles of Regeneration

Imagine you have been feeling a bit sluggish and tired lately. You go to the doctor and get your blood tested. Three days later, she gets back to you with the results: you have a phosphorus deficiency. She prescribes phosphorus supplements and advices you to take them daily. But you are curiou...

4 simple principles for a better life at the confluence of Stoicism & Vipassana

In Physics, the concept of the Block Universe or Eternalism suggests that the past, present & future are all equally “real” and co-exist. However, in our lives, we tend to live in the present with the past having come & gone, and the future yet to come. This is the way we ordinar...

Shattered Dreams

Xenophobia, a term that casts a dark shadow on the principles of inclusivity and equality, is a force that inflicts deep wounds on immigrant communities across the globe. Defined as an intense fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers, xenophobia represents a barrier to the harmonious coexistence of...

Design principles: Creating shared values for a more inclusive fashion experience

When Zalando created its first Adaptive Fashion collection, launched in October 2022, we understood that, though functionality was integral, style had to come first. Not only did we want to improve on the existing, often gray and medicalized, adaptive fashion options on the market. Most of all,...

7 principles for building better cities

Why the 7 principles presented by Peter Calthorpe in his Ted Talk are so important for the future of urban planning More than half of the world’s population is already living in cities, and another 2.5 billion people are projected to move to urban areas by 2050. The way we build new cities ...

OpenGLAM Principles: ways forward to Open Access for cultural heritage

In the early 2010s, OpenGLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives & Museums) was set up: a network that supports exchange and collaboration between cultural institutions that support Open Access. OpenGLAM is an initiative and working group of the Open Knowledge Foundation (OKFN), ...