24 Leadership Principles From The Greatest Business, Military, Political, and Sports Leaders

<p>People think that leadership is something that just happens. One is anointed a leader. One is promoted to leadership. One is born into leadership. And of course, this is not the case.</p> <p>&ldquo;Leadership,&rdquo; Eisenhower said, &ldquo;is the art of getting someone else to do something that you want done because he wants to do it.&rdquo; Which means that, like any art, leadership is something that has to be studied. No one comes out of the womb a leader. And yet we&rsquo;re all leaders in one way or another &mdash; of families, of companies, of a team, of an audience, of a group of friends, of ourselves. So there&rsquo;s no one who wouldn&rsquo;t benefit from learning some essential leadership principles from some of history&rsquo;s greatest leaders. These 24 by no means make a complete list&ndash;that&rsquo;s why we built&nbsp;<em>The Daily Stoic Leadership Challenge&nbsp;</em>(<a href="https://store.dailystoic.com/pages/leadership" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">registration is currently open for this year&rsquo;s LIVE 9-week course</a>) but if you implement even a couple of them, I&rsquo;m comfortable guaranteeing you&rsquo;ll be a better leader for it. But perhaps the first and most important lesson we learn from the leaders I talk about below is that leadership is a skill that one could refine over multiple lifetimes &mdash; so the sooner you start the better.</p> <ol> <li><strong>A Leader Is A Reader.</strong>&nbsp;Harry Truman famously said that not all readers are leaders but all leaders are readers &mdash; they have to be. And they certainly aren&rsquo;t reading to impress people or for the mental gymnastics. It&rsquo;s to get better! It&rsquo;s to find things they can use. Not at the dinner table or on Twitter, but in their real lives. A leader must learn from the experiences of others. A leader must be challenged. A leader must prepare themselves for the things they&rsquo;ll only be able to experience once, by learning from the experiences of others.</li> </ol> <p><a href="https://ryanholiday.medium.com/24-leadership-principles-from-the-greatest-business-military-political-and-sports-leaders-674137865461">Visit Now</a>&nbsp;</p>