Tag: Pregnancy

I Didn’t Bounce Back after Pregnancy

Once you pop that baby out, there are a few words you start hearing very often, such as wake windows, leaking, gas trap, and among many others, BOUNCE BACK. It is defined as going back to who you were before the journey of those nine months began. But what does it really mean? You go back t...

I Didn’t Bounce Back after Pregnancy

Once you pop that baby out, there are a few words you start hearing very often, such as wake windows, leaking, gas trap, and among many others, BOUNCE BACK. It is defined as going back to who you were before the journey of those nine months began. But what does it really mean? You go back t...

How to Share the News of Your Pregnancy with Your Boss

Sharing the news of your pregnancy with your boss is an important step in maintaining open and honest communication in the workplace. It’s normal to feel nervous about this conversation, considering the personal nature of the announcement and the potential impact on your professional life. The...

In 1724, a Young Woman was Hanged for Concealing her Pregnancy

On a bustling street in Edinburgh, Scotland, is a cozy pub named Maggie Dickson’s, where patrons can enjoy traditional Scottish delicacies while listening to live music. Most people don’t know, however, that the pub’s name pays homage to a real woman who was the subject of one o...

Texas Woman Appeals for Abortion Rights Facing Grim Prognosis for Pregnancy Survival

The doctors stressed the substantial risks both to her health and fertility if she continued the pregnancy. Along with these comments, the doctors revealed the baby would have “virtually no chance” of survival. Expressing her anguish, Cox declared her reluctance to witness her child suff...

Pregnancy And Childbirth Leave Lifetime Damage

Look at any digital or print publication that focuses on pregnancy, and you’ll see closeups of taut bellies enshrouded in gauzy white, or a newborn infant snuggled sweetly in a downy blanket. Sites created to be informative about the ages and stages of pregnancy maintain a sterile, bright soft...