I Didn’t Bounce Back after Pregnancy

<p>Once you pop that baby out, there are a few words you start hearing very often, such as wake windows, leaking, gas trap, and among many others, BOUNCE BACK.</p> <p>It is defined as going back to who you were before the journey of those nine months began. But what does it really mean?</p> <ul> <li>You go back to the body you had before baby</li> <li>You go back to your job like nothing has changed</li> <li>You go back to your relationships with the same rhythm</li> </ul> <p>And so on and so forth.</p> <p>The reality though is far from the above. In fact, there is an actual term coined to talk about how far from the truth this is. Matrescence. The process of becoming a mother. And how it can potentially change everything.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/middle-pause/i-didnt-bounce-back-after-pregnancy-aac5a70e2b6a">Visit Now</a></p>