Tag: Practical

A Practical Introduction to LLMs

What is an LLM? LLM is short for Large Language Model, which is a recent innovation in AI and machine learning. This powerful new type of AI went viral in Dec 2022 with the release of ChatGPT. For those enlightened enough to live outside the world of AI buzz and tech news cycles,&nbs...

Jetpack Compose Canvas: 10 Practical Examples

Jetpack Compose is revolutionizing the way we build user interfaces on Android. One of the many features it offers is the Canvas API, which allows developers to draw custom shapes, paths, and graphics. In this blog post, we will explore 10 practical examples of using the Canvas API in Jetpack Compos...

10 Practical Tips for Effective Time Management

Nowadays, managing our time efficiently has become more critical than ever. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or a stay-at-home parent, effective time management can help you achieve your goals, reduce stress, and create a better work-life balance. In this blog, we’ll explore ten...

A Practical Guide for 1:1s — With Anyone

No matter the position you are in life right now — work is a part of life, isn’t it?! — you may have already perceived that the vast majority of issues we face rely on communication breakdowns and misunderstandings. Those problems could be caused by expectations that were not cl...

PowerShell: 3 Fundamental and Practical Commands

Throughout our lives, we have predominantly interacted with Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs), making us comfortable with performing tasks through GUIs rather than using scripts, whether in PowerShell, Bash, Python, or any other scripting language. PowerShell scripting is designed to simplify your...

The Soul in Daily Life — Spiritual Growth: Simple Practical Insights from Hinduism

In the quest for spiritual growth, Hinduism offers a rich tapestry of concepts and practices. Central to these are the notions of Atman, the soul’s true essence, and the Koshas, the five layers or sheaths that encase this essence. Understanding and working through these layers can provide prac...

The Study of Kabbalah for Practical Psychology

The study of Kabbalah, a form of Jewish mysticism that has become increasingly popular over recent years, has influenced various aspects of psychology, particularly in the realms of human consciousness, self-awareness, and spiritual development. While Kabbalah is primarily a spiritual and esoteri...

Prayer as a Practical Resolution to the Question of God’s Autonomy

Theism seemingly produces a bifurcation in the essential character of God, a bifurcation into two moments of God. These two moments correspond to what can be called a “static” and a “dynamic” aspect of God — i.e., a moment of God as external creator of the wor...

Practical Ecological data analysis with R [part-1]

Ecology is the study of organisms, the environment, and how the organisms interact with each other and their environment. To find out the insights of an environment/ study area, Valid Data analysis of this site is so important. There are so many analytic techniques for analysis of ecological data su...

3 Practical Difference Between Assay Potency And Purity In Pharmaceutical “ Pharmabeej

In the pharmaceutical industry, the difference between assay potency and purity is a major problem to understand for the newbies and sometimes experienced also. In pharmaceutical, Assay, potency and purity, all three are different terminologies and have different calculations. Difference betwe...

Styling and Beauty Tips

Styling and beauty play an important role in enhancing our personal appearance and boosting our self-confidence. With a few simple tips and tricks, anyone can create a unique style and showcase their inner beauty. This article provides practical styling and beauty tips to help you look and feel your...