Practical Ecological data analysis with R [part-1]
<p>Ecology is the study of organisms, the environment, and how the organisms interact with each other and their environment. To find out the insights of an environment/ study area, Valid Data analysis of this site is so important. There are so many analytic techniques for analysis of ecological data such as Ordination. Principal Coordinates Analysis, NMDS, Correspondence Analysis, CCA, geographical distributions (spatial data), Spatial autocorrelation, semivariograms, gridding, point pattern analysis, directional analysis, Trend, autocorrelation, spectral analysis, wavelets…<br />
Statistical tests relevant to ecological data analysis: ANOSIM, PerMANOVA, Mantel test, Correlation, regression, and curve fitting. Multivariate tests (MANOVA), GLM, GLS, (PCA), Two-sample tests, multiple-sample tests, and so on. there are many commercial softwares for ecological data analysis. but I will use open source R for this purpose. I will cover them gradually and wait and set up a notification.</p>
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