Tag: Portuguese

9 reasons why you shouldn’t move to Lisbon

I moved to Lisbon in 2017 from the Netherlands, without knowing exactly why. I owned just a backpack and wanted to volunteer in permaculture for a while. However, as soon as I saw the city, I found it inexplicably beautiful. Perhaps it was the architectural and linguistic similarities to my homeland...

Portuguese Horror Movie ‘Amelia’s Children’ Review

“Amelia’s Children,” the latest Portuguese horror comedy movie, brings together elements of suspense, humour, and the supernatural to deliver a unique viewing experience. Directed by Gabriel Abrantes, the film follows the story of Ed, played by Carloto Cotta, as he embarks on a jou...

RECIPE — Is This Vegan Portuguese Kale Soup Really As Flavorful As It Should Be?

Wine Pairing Ah, a Vegan Portuguese Kale Soup. I must say, kudos for attempting to bring some vibrancy to a classic dish, but let’s not pretend that this soup will shine on its own. It’s going to need a little help in the flavor department. To complement the earthy notes of the kale a...

Can Spanish Speakers Understand Portuguese?

I recently received this message in a work-related request. Apparently, if I can write in Spanish, it automatically qualifies me to write in Portuguese. Only if everything was that simple. Spanish and Portuguese both have their origins in Latin and both originated in the Iberian Peni...

Words I Can’t Remember or Never Knew: Attempting Portuguese in Brazil

It starts at the São Paulo airport, where I grab my suitcase off the baggage claim conveyor belt and then desperately hope the long line of people I’ve just jumped into is the right one. It’s my first time in this airport and I have no idea where I’m going. I feel like I&...

Portuguese Dining Etiquette: A Cultural Significance in the Crossed Knife and Fork

Let’s embark on a journey into the heart of Portuguese dining etiquette, where the act of crossing your knife and fork on your plate carries more meaning than meets the eye. In Portugal, this simple gesture holds cultural significance that goes beyond finishing a meal. Let’s uncover the ...

How to deal with Portuguese people both in the workplace as well as in life

If you ever had a Portuguese friend or work colleague you can immediately relate to this article right? Sometimes a little help is needed to deal with us. Well, look no further. This is a comprehensive guide on how to deal with Portuguese people, take the best out of them and avoid bitter sweet mome...

The Arrival of Portuguese in India

the terms of the Treaty of Tordesillas (1494), all new territories were divided between Spain and Portugal. The stage was thus set for the Portuguese incursions into the waters surrounding India. In 1487, the Portuguese navigator, Bartholomew Dias, rounded the “Cape of excellent Hope”, t...

How to study Portuguese using mobile applications from A0 to C2

If you’re just beginning your journey to learn Portuguese and have no prior experience with the language, Duolingo is the perfect place to start. It offers a well-organized and captivating approach to language acquisition. Beginner-Friendly Learning: Duolingo is designed to be beginner...

21 Cool Gifts for Your Portuguese Dad

Whether it’s Father’s Day, Christmas or your Dad’s birthday, if you have a Portuguese Dad, there are some really cool, unique gift ideas that he will appreciate or at least get a kick out of. Here are some of our favorites! Gold Galo Hoodie http://ow.ly/jAWt50rkI8s ...

How I learned to speak Portuguese in 8 weeks

I had generally held the belief that learning a second language was a complete waste of time. In primary school, I was given no choice but to learn Italian. I’m happy to report that I graduated with the ability to speak 10 colours and 5 animals. Almost fluent. I completed three more years o...

How To Read Portuguese Addresses: #1 Useful Cheatsheet

Imagine this: You’ve just landed in Portugal, the sun is shining on your face, you’ve just had a great “espresso” and the famous “Pastel de Nata,” and you’re ready to head to your Airbnb… but wait, you don’t know how to read Portuguese&nbsp...

15 Portuguese Phrases You Can Learn Today

Are you looking for a way to spice up your vocabulary and add some flavor to your conversations? Learning Portuguese can be a great way to do just that! Portuguese is a fun, vibrant, and expressive language, and with just a few key phrases you can make an immediate impact. Here are 15 Port...

How To Say Cheers In Portuguese In 9 Easy Ways

Would you like to know how to say cheers in Portuguese? No matter the nationality and the language used, there is always a word that can be used to cheer and wish good health to those around us. Portuguese makes no exception since there are several ways one can use to cheer. How To Say Cheers ...

A Comprehensive Review of the Duolingo Portuguese Course

I’m a native English speaker and I’ve been learning Brazilian Portuguese for roughly a year and a half. During that time, I completed the entire Duolingo Portuguese course. The content and quality of Duolingo courses vary widely depending on the target language. For native English speake...

Finding a Malayali Portuguese

Onnumerous visits to my home in Kerala over the last fifty years, I had one name, Anthraper that I remember to have heard every time. Everywhere I went, I could see my maternal or paternal grandfather or uncles or aunties pointing towards huge tracts of rubber plantation and mentions that it belonge...

Sausalito Portuguese Hall Creates New Walking Tour

Inthe late 1800’s, individuals of Portuguese ancestry made up an estimated 30% of Sausalito’s total population. Portuguese, the majority of them from the Azores, initially came here on whaling ships. Subsequent immigrants followed, with many of them finding work on the numerous dairy far...

15 Lessons Learnt by Reading The Alchemist in Portuguese (original language)

As for myself, (1) I like reading because I am passionate about learning new things (otherwise, you will live only in your limited world). (2) As much as I would like to read, I haven’t been able to catch up with my book lists (although I read around 30 articles per week), because I use the li...

Benchmarking: How does SentiLecto NLU API perfom in Portuguese respect to other APIs? (part 1)

In this new post, we are going to talk about how SentiLecto compares to two well-known NLU engines for text in Portuguese: Google Natural Language, and Spacy across three basic syntax tasks: subject extraction, object extraction and passive voice sentences role extraction. We chose these t...

Whitepaper — Portuguese Translation

Our white paper is available in Portuguese. The link to it already appears on our website (https://espers.io). We invite all natives in the Portuguese language to appreciate and if they detect something that needs correction, please inform us. Nosso white paper agorá está dispon&iac...


This island of Sao Miguel sprinkled with one charming little town after another is a paradise started by and formed by volcanic eruptions. It is a Catholic island, definitively, and I know this because there are over two hundred churches seemingly on every corner and then some. This island is about ...


The harsh sounds of the language have an almost guttural sound, unlike their romantic sisters, Italian, Spanish and French. Those languages are more singsongy, light with lots of upended intonations at the end of each word giving the listener more of the feeling of being sung to then spoken to. Port...

Portuguese Lessons

Dificuldade, My tongue feels its way From dee to fee, Each sound a fresh opportunity To trip over a new old sound, On past fee, but careful not to touch Tongue to front gum For a nice Portuguese ell, An exhaled long u promises relief Only to be cut short By an easy hard dee followed By an...

A Portuguese in Taiwan — My Great New Adventure

Unsure about which path to follow after a Bachelor in Economics, learning Chinese presented itself as a great next step. “Why not?” my inner self said. I wanted to do a Gap Year before choosing my Masters, so this opportunity came at just the right time, I could not let it slip through m...

How To Learn Portuguese

If you want to go there and have just enough of the language to say hello and be friendly with people, then all you need to do is buy a phrasebook, try to memorize three, four or five expressions and that’s all you’ll be able to do. I had this experience when I went to Vietnam. After ...

Announcing if-me.org in Brazilian Portuguese

Why is mental health important to you? Work, study and day-to-day life consumes your mind. Stressful situations can lead us to destructive situations or places we don’t want to go in the long term. Mental health affects us in public places like work or school, not just behind closed doors. ...